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Me, Robert, and Emma talk amongst ourselves as we wait for the carriage to arrive. We have a guest. Emma giggles at something Robert says. I just stare ahead, awaiting the arrival of her. The carriage comes to a stop in front of us, and my brother goes to greet her. The carriage door is thrown open, and she carefully steps down with grace, her face facing the ground and covered by a hat. The maids go to to help her. She steps on the ground and looks up. Her piercing brown eyes and perfectly crimped hair is somewhat ethereal.

She is beautiful. My brother walks to her, taking her hand in his and kissing it, like a gentleman should. He bows to her. "Miss Katherine."


Stefan is shaking me awake. I groan, shaking my fatigue away. He stares at me. "Get up, we have somewhere to go." He says nothing else and walks away. I look around, and shrug. I get up and catch up to him. "Where's Klaus?" Stefan shrugs. "Around." I scan my surroundings. We're in a fancy hotel room.

Klaus walks in. My heart immediately starts racing. I walk to him. "There you are, I was wondering." His eyes flick to me. "Do you want to go anywhere today?" My brows furrow. "No, why?" He smiles me, and my breath catches. His eyes are really beautiful. "No reason. Come, I want to show you something." He wraps an arm around my shoulders, pulling me close, and leads me out of the room, and just for an instant, I think I see Stefan clench his jaw, and then it's gone.

~Two Months Later~

Me and Stefan stay hidden in the shadows as we watch Klaus approach the woman. She squirms, nervous obviously and for good reason. "I am so sorry, I didn't mean to scare you, my car ran out of gas a couple miles back and I've been walking forever, uh, yours is the first house I've come to so I was just wondering if I could use your phone?" I almost giggle. He sounds so strange with an American accent. He smiles "friendly" at her.

"Don't you have a cell phone?" "Yeah. Battery died." She eyes him suspiciously. "Look, I promise I'm not a serial killer." Oh the irony. "I just want to use your phone." She sighs. "Sure." She turns to walk back into her house. "So...I can come in?" She turns. "No. I'll get the cell and bring it out to you." His face darkens and his smile drops. "I thought you country folk were supposed to be more trusting." His accent is back. "I'm from Florida." She says cockily. "Well that explains it."

He lunges toward her and grabs her neck. She gasps. He looks into her eyes and compels her. "Now show me some Southern hospitality." I hear the woman inside speaking. "I bet you a hundred dollars that dog ran off to a house with air conditioning." I hear the screen door click shut. She pauses, observing Klaus standing over her friend. "What's going on?" "Please don't be alarmed."

"I'm told Ray Sutton lives here." She shakes her head. "He's barely here. He's on the road mostly."
"I expected that. Where is he now?" She stays silent. "If I have to make you talk, it will be infinitely more painful for you." She attempts to run, making a grab for her front door. Me and Stefan speed to the door, waiting. She throws open the door, then screams when she sees us. We block the door. "I love it when they run." He leads the blonde one by the small of her back.

"He's in Tully!" She blurts out. "It's near Florida. A bar near Highway 41." She whimpers. Klaus pulls back a hair from the blonde's face. "Can my friends come in?" "Yes." She chokes out. Me and Stefan walk inside, shutting the door behind us. "Kill this one quickly." He tells Stefan, pushing the blonde toward him. "Make that one suffer." He walks away. Then he looks back, at me. "Come on." He holds out a hand sarcastically. I take it, earning a surprised look. His hand wraps around mine, warm and inviting. He pulls me out the door.

The last thing I hear as the door shuts is the blonde begging for her life. I hear her shrill scream as Klaus leads me away through the woods. My heart beats fast due to our proximity. My face feels warm and I know he can hear my beating heart. I like to be around Klaus. His presence is intoxicating. Not to mention his charming accent and good looks. Take away the murderous tendencies and he'd be the ideal man.

We walk in silence through the trees. Suddenly he stops. He drops my hand. I am almost ....disappointed? His hand instead rests on my shoulder. "Alex?" He asks. I am confused. Klaus almost never addresses me with my name. "Yes?"
"Would you kill for me if I asked?" I take a sharp intake. "Always. Why do you ask?" He smirks. "Just making sure." Seemingly satisfied, he turns to walk away.

Stefan is the one Klaus always hangs out with, not me. He's already broken 5 of my bones in the last two months. All for pissing him off. Stefan suddenly appears behind us, expressionless as usual. I am not worried. He's turned his humanity off. At least, I think. Sometimes I do wonder. Him and Damon were always good at acting.

Damon. I haven't thought about him at all, nor have I missed him. I almost feel a twinge of guilt, but it disappears quickly.

Noticing Stefan, Klaus moves away from me quickly, immediately turning his attention. He waves a hand toward me, almost dismissively. "Ah, Stefan. Come along. We have a bar to get to." With that, he grabs Stefan and speeds away, leaving me alone in the forest. I don't follow them.

Instead, I turn around and head back to the women's house. I push open the screen door and am greeted by quite a sight. Blood covers the walls and a few objects are broken. The scent of fear hangs in the air. I walk into the living room and stop. Oh Stefan. The women are sitting on the couch, staring straight ahead aimlessly.

If there wasn't blood coming from various parts of their body, I'd think they were still alive. But as I kick the couch, their heads and various body parts fall off. I hiss as my fangs retract. I'm not a ripper, but I haven't fed in a while. Although I doubt there is any blood left in the two, I still try to feed. I grab the blondes corpse and sink my teeth into her severed neck.

As I expect, there is hardly any. Getting frustrated I throw her corpse to the side. Then I try the other woman's body. No such luck. I put their bodies back together how Stefan likes them and leave.

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