Open Eyes

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"So it's true." A voice says in the distance. I crack my eyes open, squinting from the bright sunlight. Tyler stands above me. The ground around me is rough, unfamiliar. Leaves crunch as I sit up. A stick presses against my legs. The wind blows, rustling my hair. There are trees, all around me. Then my haze clears. I'm naked! I gasp, grabbing at the blanket that...has been put on me?

I look up at him. "What happened?" I ask. He shakes his head. "You broke a window. Damon called me. Said you were screaming like a lunatic, but when he got to your bedroom, well, your transition was complete. You're silver, black, and brown by the way." I balk. Silver, black, and brown? Then I remember my reflection, yellow and black, not red.

"Yeah, you jumped through your window, straight through the glass, pane and all. You jumped off the balcony, and ran into the woods, where I found you. Alex, he couldn't catch you. outran him. How? How are you my...great-great something? Why didn't you activate the curse years ago, because I know you've killed before." I shake my head. "I didn't have Klaus's blood in my system before. It's DNA, I don't know." I shrug as best I can, with a blanket over my shoulders.

There's a lot of unanswered questions."So....did you bring me any clothes?" Tyler seems to break out of a trance. "Uh, yeah. Here." He hands me a neatly folded pile of clothes. "Right. Come find me when you want to learn about our family tree." He speeds away, leaving me alone in the forest. I notice a lot of things I didn't before, as I put on my clothes.

My skin is dirty, and my hair has dead leaves in it, but that's not what I mean. The birds sing in unison, the leaves rustle together, and a creek gushes somewhere nearby, the sound is like crystals. I was born to be a creature of the Earth. Literally. I am a wolf. And I am a Vampire. Lockwood, Salvatore, and Mikaelson blood runs through my veins. You know what I just realized? Klaus is the only one like me, born a werwolf, made immortal.

I walk by my nose. I smell everything now. The trees, flowers. I hear very few cars. It must be early. My nose and hearing leads me to bushes, which I walk through. They lead straight to into Mystic Falls square, where I see the grill that Matt and Jeremy work at. I check the town square clock. It's 7:56 a.m. Tyler must be heading to school right about now. I'm not a high school student, but there's nothing a little compulsion can't fix.


I walk into Mystic Falls High's field. Cheerleaders and footballers liter the field, practicing. And others jog. I spot Elena on the track. Caroline and Rebekah talk to each other, Caroline clearly distressed. I spot Tyler practicing with his football mates. He compels his coach, I can hear him from far away. Sheesh. He's acting...different.

Caroline walks up to him, lecturing. "I've never been better, Klaus has given me...this gift." I agree, I feel better then I have in a century! Euphoric, almost, like I could do anything. Rebekah does a running flip into a split. I applaud lightly from afar. Impressive. Is there anything this family can't do? Caroline is clearly jealous when Rebekah pulls Tyler's attention.
She looks back at Caroline, clearly smug.

"Damn. Woman's got moves." He walks away from Caroline. She glares at Rebekah. Elena jogs on the track, joined by Stefan. I watch in surprise. I didn't know where he was last night. Elena turns the opposite way, running from him. He jogs backwards, following her. Elena accidentally bumps into a guy, who immediately apologizes, but that's not enough for Stefan. "Watch it, dick!" He pushes him back, to the ground. "Who are you?!" Elena exclaims.

She walks away from him and he throws up his hands as if he didn't just push someone on the ground.


Students walk around, with red cups, while I weave through, looking for Tyler, but he's nowhere to be found. I watch my brother and Rebekah by the beer tap. Maybe in another lifetime, they would've had more time. Elena walks up to the tap, grabbing and chugging a cup. I walk away, entirely bored now. I almost leave, but I catch Damon and Rebekah by the campfire. Damon feeds her a marshmallow and I gag. He's flirting, and by the looks of it, Elena believes it.

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