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I stand in front of the floor-length mirror, looking for a dress. I've tried on many. I don't know what to wear though, I compelled my way into Mystic Falls High, after all. And I've been skipping lately, so I probably won't graduate. The store has rows and rows of dresses. I might be loaded, but that doesn't mean I want to tell Damon I spent his money. I don't need to know where he got it either.

I walk along the aisles, looking. I guess I shouldn't have waited last minute, because there's hardly anything in my size. I sigh, frustrated. I pull random ones of the rack and take them into the bathroom. Nothing is my style. I walk back through the store, not bothering to put anything back. I walk downtown Mystic Falls. Then it catches my eye, in a window. A black dress, sleeveless, with a dipping neckline. The skirt comes above the knees, about 5 inches below the thighs.

It has intricate gem patterns on the top. The skirt itself is full, like a tulle type of material. Around the middle is a thick silver ribbon stitched on. I grin.


I walk into my house, carrying various bags, frowning as I hear conversations going on upstairs. "She might not have been on our side before, but she is now. However, we can't leave anything to chance. Klaus is still her brother." Elena and my brother are making...something in his bathroom. I stand in the doorway. "What are you doing?" Elena jumps. "...Nothing." I eye her and my brother suspiciously. "Is something going on?" Elena shakes her head vigorously.

I stay a moment longer, watching Damon take whatever it is from Elena and assemble it himself. Whatever. I don't have time to deal with these two. I go to my room, plopping my bags onto my bed. I jump as a man is standing in my doorway. "Who are you?!" He smiles, but it's sinister. "My names Mikael." I back up. So this is what Klaus is so afraid of, or rather, who. "I can't have you interfering with the plan. I need to kill Niklaus once and for all." He grabs my neck, pinning me to the wall. I gasp, grabbing at his hand.

"I was never here. You aren't suspicious, your brothers and friends aren't planning anything." When I open my eyes, I frown. What am I doing standing around? I need to get ready!


I pull on my dress, satisfied. It's very flattering on my chest and waist. I do a quick turn, admiring the open back, which is a web of strings. I fix my hair, brushing it to one side. I hang expensive diamond earrings in my lobes, then I pencil on light eyeliner. My 5-inch heels are borrowed from Rebekah's closet. I make my way down the stairs from my bedroom, and out the door.

Fire trucks and many people crowd the outside of Mystic Falls High gym. I frown. Tyler stands among the crowd, joined by Caroline. "What happened?" She demands. "The gym's flooded. Dance is cancelled." He tells her. She gasps. "Excuse me?! But-but what are we supposed to do now?!" She throws her hands up. Hmm. How weird. I push through the crowd. "Tyler!" I call. He turns toward me. His face breaks out in a grin when he sees me. "Hey....Auntie? You know what, I'm just gonna call you Auntie."

"Homecoming at my place. It'll be good, I swear." I shrug. The Lockwood parties are notoriously famous. And they are rich. "It sounds fun." I tell him, smiling. Caroline sighs exasperated. She dials Elena, alerting her of the location change. "Tyler's moving the party to his house." "Beer bottles and kegs for Homecoming? That's...different." Caroline sighs. "Just say you're still coming!" I tune out, watching Tyler. He has a strange look on his face, almost...proud?

I pull out my phone, calling Stefan. He answers in a sarcastic voice. "What? Lost an earring?" I roll my eyes. "Dance is cancelled, Tyler's having at it as his." Stefan's voice changes to suspicion. "What? Why?" I shake my head, then remember he can't see me through the phone. "Beats me." I hang up. Whatever. Outside honestly sounds a lot better. I get in my small Volkswagen beetle, swinging the door shut. Change of plans, I guess. I screech out of the parking lot at 70 mph, honking for people to get out of the way.

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