Forced to See

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I don't know when I fell asleep, but I do remember stirring awake. Klaus is carrying me, and I can hear faint voices. We're going up, on stairs I think. I stir. Strangely enough, I'm wearing clothes. Hm. When I fell asleep, Klaus must've dressed me. My thoughts drift and I dip out. I come to again when he sets me down on a bed. He pulls a cover over me, whispering. "Elena has a deal for me. I'll be back." He gets up, then hesitates. My eyes are still closed, but I slightly jarr when I feel his lips press to my head, softly.

That feeling passed through me again, complete and total warmth. I bask in it, and my mind slips away. I dream of a field, and I'm laying in it, pointing at clouds in the sky. Klaus lays under me, gazing. I'm laying on his chest, listening to his heart. Sometime later, though I'm not sure how long, he slides into bed next to me. I breathe evenly as I start to fall out of conscious. His arms slide under and over me as my back presses to chest. I don't react, slipping away.


Even though I've missed like a month, I still go back to school. It's not looking good. I might need to compel someone. I shut my locker door and pick up on Elena and Bonnie talking. My heart twists. "I have something to tell you, and you're not gonna like it." I frown. "Jeremy's gonna be leaving town for a while. He'll be staying with some family friends in Denver, at least until this whole Klaus thing blows over." Klaus thing...she says it like..he's just a situation.

"Jeremy wouldn't just leave you to deal with Klaus on your own..." Elena inhales slowly. "I had Damoj compel him." A ripple of shock runs through me. "The reason I'm telling you two is well...because you two haven't worked out your stuff." She pauses. I peek around the corner, trying to get a look. She glances in my direction, and I duck back. She's looking at Jeremy, who's across from me. She walks up to him, tapping him on the shoulder. I duck into the crowd, hiding. "So...were you gonna tell me goodbye?" Me too. I want to tell the little Gilbert goodbye as well.

And, to make sure he's okay, although he seems fine. She slips away from him, and I step out from the crowd. I don't know how much time I have before Elena sees us. "Jeremy!" I say. He turns toward me, and his face turns cautiously. "I heard you're leaving. I just wanted to say I'm sorry for the other day. I had no idea what Klaus was doing." He shrugs, and I can tell he's still tense. "Whatever. I get it. You can't help it." I frown.

" think that I had something to do with it...because I'm sired? Well, Jeremy, I can tell you now, I'm not. I've never had to turn forcefully a day in my life except for the first Change." He scoffs, shaking his head. This is not how I wanted this to go. "Well that's worse. Because if you're not sired...than you need some serious moral checks." My mouth drops. "What...what the hell is wrong with you?!"

He turns sharply. "No, what the hell is wrong with you?! After he took you and your brother for 3 months, and basically terrorized all of our lives, you take his side. No, I think something's wrong with you." My eyes sting, but his words sting worse. Why are all of my friends turning on me? I've done nothing against them. My time is up. Elena walks up to us, Bonnie trailing her. They both glare at me. "Is there a problem?" I shake my head. I'm tired of seeing everyone turn against me.

I walk away, leaving them behind me.


It's after school, now. Klaus stands with his arms crossed, waiting. Tyler walks in, eyeing us. "You called? I'm here. What happened?" Klaus uncrosses his arms. "What happened was Stefan had two paths in front of him. He chose the one that made me angry. I need you to help me do something about that."

"Can't you just leave me out of it?" I'm surprised by my nephews bluntness. "Where's the point in that?" "Seriously...can't you just get one of your other hybrids to do it? I lost my friends, my girlfriend-"Right, your girlfriend." I shift on the heels of my feet. What does Klaus want with Caroline? "Yeah, about her, I need you to...bite her." I gasp. But... that'll kill her! "What??" "Don't make me repeat myself." He steps closer to Tyler. "But a hybrid bite would kill vampire!" Great minds think alike, I guess.

"I know exactly what it'll do. Stefan pushed me too far, so now I'm pushing back." Stefan. He always did know how to push the right buttons. Especially when it came to father and mother. "I'm not biting Caroline." Tyler hisses. "Tyler. I've been blessed with good fortune of a sire-bond to you, so one would consider this me putting your undying loyalty to the test." Tyler gets in Klaus's face, and I bristle. "What the hell is wrong with you?" I wince. I've already heard that phrase today. "I'm not hurting Caroline."

But Klaus only smiles. How is he so calm about this? Tyler just told him no. No one tells Klaus no. "All right, all right. I'm disappointed. But, it your choice, free will and all that. I'll find another way to strike at Stefan." Tyler stands for another minute. "You can go now." Tyler says nothing, simply walking away. I watch him. "How can you just let him go?" I demand. Klaus chuckles. What's funny? "You'll see."


I follow Tyler out of the mansion, where he's fuming. "Tyler!" He doesn't answer, nor does he slow. I stop and watch him walk away. I go back into the mansion. "So, what're you planning for today?" I ask Klaus. He looks up from where he's standing. "Well... I can think of something." My cheeks heat up with what he's implying, but I can't deny that I want to. He raises an eyebrow at me.

This time is as good as the first. He's rougher this time, though, tearing my clothes to shreds instead of taking them off. We barely make to his room. His hands make imprints in his headboard as heholds himself above me. I'm barely containing myself. He stops suddenly, eyes lighting up. I whine. He pulls himself down to my level. "Alex? I want to do something for you..." I nod. "I'm okay with whatever you want to do." I consent.

He smiles widely and I gulp, wondering what I got myself into. He ducks down between my legs, and I'm suddenly self conscious. He peels open my legs, and I blush at the obscenity of the action. His tongue swipes in one swift motion. "Ah!" I moan, arching up. He holds my legs open. I bite my lip, hard. He spares not a moment longer and starts licking me some more. I grip the sheets as his tongue moves expertly, dipping in and out. His thumb rubs my clit, and I have to resist the urge to tug on his hair.

My jaw clenches and unclenches as he moves faster. I can feel the knot in my stomach pulling tighter and tighter. His fingers are dry and callused, and his lips soft. I want badly to close my legs, to trap him there, but I can't. Instead, I pull some more at the sheets, ripping them. I don't notice as I accidentally tear through the mattress.


Klaus is asleep on me, but something is nagging me. I cautiously move off the bed, careful not to wake him. He'll be getting up soon to go to some Council/Founding Family meeting or whatever, my brothers going. Stefan wants the other hybrids out of Mystic Falls. He threatened Elena, almost driving her off of a bridge, the very bridge her parents died from. That's cruel, even from Stefan.

I grab some clothes from my suitcase and wander outside. I walk through the woods, until I come across my family crypt. Tyler is standing in the doorway, and I hide behind a tree as Caroline walks out with him. I trail the two, conscious of my every step.

I guess the two are too absorbed in each other to hear me, or maybe Caroline's just drunk off her ass. I avert my eyes as the two start kissing. It's over pretty quickly when Caroline winces. I peek around the tree I'm hiding behind. Tyler is covering his mouth. "Did you-did you just bite me?" I turn around quickly, gasping. Tyler just bit Caroline. He said no, but did it anyway. He doesn't have a choice at all, does he? If a sire-bond makes you do what someone wants even though you don't want to, does that I push the thought away.

I am not sired. My feelings for Klaus are real....aren't they?

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