The Mikaelson Ball

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I left Klaus to die. The thought echoes around my mind all night as I toss and turn in my bed. I feel sick to my stomach. Not because I left him, but because I feel bad about it. I get barely any sleep. I get out of my bed when the sun starts to rise, giving up. Sighing deeply, I go downstairs. Stefan and Damon are still sleeping. I plop down on my couch. We don't have a TV. My stomach is heaving. How could I just leave him to die? And all my memories come back. Elijah and Damon had already been planning the awakening. I had just overheard.

Elijah compelled me to forget. I wander into the kitchen, opening the fridge. I attempt to eat a regular sandwich, but it's no use. I spit it out quickly. Food doesn't taste good until after I've had blood in my system. It suddenly dawns on me that I'll never see him again, never tell him.... I hunch and gag, spewing what little I have in my stomach. Hovering over the kitchen sink, I notice a pair of scissors. I'm not sure why we have them. Your hair was always beautiful to me.

I start cutting, frustratedly jerking the scissors around. I hiss as I nick my finger. I drop the scissors, realizing what I've done. I regret it immediately, but nothing can be done. I'm almost afraid to look at my reflection in the mirror, but I do anyway, beginning the walk of shame into the bathroom. I gasp as I see my hair. It's all mangled, like a toddlers Barbie doll. It lays in chunks, uneven and sticking out. I double over as the grief hits me.

Sobs rack my body as I collapse to the floor. I scream and try to yank out more of my hair. My fists hit the floor repeatedly, making a crack. Then finally, I'm completely spent, and I slump over, pressing my cheek to the cold floor. I cradle my legs to my chest and lay in a fetal position. My heart is beating wildly, and I'm breathing heavily. My eyes burn. Damon comes into the bathroom, putting a hand on my shoulder.

"C'mon." He says gently. When I don't respond, he wraps an arm around my shoulders and picks me up.  I stay silent as he carries me back to my room. He sets me back down in my bed and watches me with concern as I roll over. I don't meet his eyes as I curl up in my fetal position. Exhausted, I finally fall asleep. My dreams are dark and grey.


When I wake, my face is wet. The sun is shining through my window. I check my watch. 3:00. Then I notice I have an audience. Elena sits in a chair by my bed, looking at me hesitantly. "Hey Alex. Your hair." She says quietly. "I'm sorry." I scoff. "No you're not. You're glad he's finally out of your life, and done terrorizing this town." I sigh deeply. "Which is exactly why I shouldn't be feeling...grief." She shifts uncomfortably. "Well...." I sit up.

"Elena? What is it?" She looks away, toward the floor, not meeting my eyes. "Something happened to Alaric." My eyes widen. "What?" She nods. "I found him with a knife in his stomach. He doesn't remember who it was." Wow. "But that's not all. Caroline's dad was murdered." A pang goes through me. What?! "What all have I missed?" I demand, forgetting the hole in my chest.

"A lot. Murders around the town, a crazy doctor, Rebekah trying to kill me last night, Elijah saving me. But that's not the important part, Alex." She squirms. "It was their mother Esther in that coffin, Alex. She escaped last night. Klaus isn't dead." And all of a sudden, the hole in my chest vanishes. He's alive?! A wave of relief and happiness fills me, followed by a wave of guilt. She hands me an envelope.

"I got it a couple hours ago. So did Caroline." She adds. I open it, reading it aloud. "Please join the Mikaelson Family this evening at seven o'clock for dancing, cocktails, and celebration." I slowly lower it, realizing why Elena was reluctant to tell me. Her and...Caroline received invitations, but not me. He's alive, and he didn't even bother to tell me. My heart throbs. Why would he do this? "I'm sorry." Elena says again.

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