The Truth Always Finds a Way

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We end up in the forest, pushed up against a tree. Not my proudest moment. I breathe heavily as he attacks my neck. His lips are bitten and rough, not like Klaus's. I shove that thought away. One of my hands is wrapped in his hair, and the other is around his waist as he continues his rough assault, nipping at my neck. I grit my teeth and pull him off. I spin him around and press him to the tree. "Ooo, feisty." He snarks. I shut him up by tearing off his jacket. He disregards it and unbuttons his shirt swiftly, tossing it somewhere.

I reach behind my back and unzip my dress, letting it fall to the ground. I am not wearing a bra. His eyes scan me quickly. Frowning, I yank down his boxers. Much better. He does likewise, yanking my panties. He immediately grabs my breasts, squeezing and pinching my nipples. I bite my lip, hard. I pull him to the ground, and we roll until we settle on his discarded shirt. I quietly wince as I can still feel the hard ground and poky pines underneath my legs.

Grabbing his dick, I rub it against my throbbing hole, and watch as he rolls his head back, groaning. "Tease." I giggle and gasp as I slip it inside. He grunts and adjusts to our position. "Ahhh..." picking up the pace, Kol grabs onto my hips, moving me faster. Panting, I thrust  down a few more times before my movement starts to falter. Kol flips us over and does the rest, slamming into me at super speed. The sensation is...something. I claw at his back as my legs begin to shake and my vision starts to blur from ecstasy.

Finishing first, Kol goes still for a second, and   allows me to keep rutting against him as my movements get more frantic, like a wild dog in heat. I arch up as the knot in my stomach snaps, and I release. He rolls off of me, and I hiss sharply at the feeling of him pulling out. It's sore, but it'll be healed by tomorrow. We lay beside each other, flat on the ground, staring up at the sky. My chest moves sharply as I catch my breath. My eyelids slide shut and I succumb to the lull of sleep after a long day.


I'm confused. There is...softness underneath me, and warm. Not like the hard and pointy forest floor. And I don't hear birds. I frown, stirring. Opening my eyes, I glance up. Kol is laying with one arm behind his head, and one slung across me lazily. I'm laying in between his legs...on a bed? "I took you back to my house to avoid suspicion." He says, without opening his eyes. My cheeks flame. I mean, I've had shameless hook-ups before, but never with someone as...powerful as Kol.

Still...the gesture is nice. I prop myself up on my elbows to see him. Looking around, I quickly grab a pen and scribble my number on his arm. He glances at it, then at me. "Call me." I say, and get up. My dress is lying on a chair, waiting for me. I slip it on, grabbing my heels. He sits up. "What, leaving already?" He asks, sarcastically. I roll my eyes. "You sure Klaus won't care?" It's a snide comment, but it tugs at my heart strings nonetheless. Putting on an annoyed face, I turn, and am surprised to see Kol already dressed, wearing casual clothes.

I don't want to think about how much it cost. Or if he even payed for it. "He's not my boyfriend." As much as it pains me to say it, it's true. Clearly he's already moved on from me. Maybe he never had feelings for me at all. The thought puts a dampener on my mood. I look at Kol, and it's dispelled. Smiling, I leave his room, heading down the stairs. I jump as all of the Mikaelsons are sitting in the living room. Including Kol. Damn, he's fast. Could've given me a warning.

I take a deep breath and walk awkwardly through the room, avoiding any and all eyes. I can't see him, but I can tell Klaus's eyes are on me. Walking out the door, I backtrack as I immediately run into Rebekah. She eyes me as she slowly passes by, and walks in. "Well well well. There's our girl. Out all night. What a scandal." Kol teases her. I roll my eyes. What a charmer. "You should talk. Alex positively reeked of you."

I hurry away after that. Stumbling into my house, I pause as I hear voices being carried down. "-he doesn't deserve it!" "Am I supposed to care about Elijah?" I want to question the two, but it's obvious from my attire that I stayed out last night, and I don't need Damon poking questions. Ha. Damon asking about my sex life as if he didn't just sleep with the woman who tried to kill Elena, who he obviously is in love with. I honestly don't know how people can be so oblivious.

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