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Standing hands on hips in the sheriff station, Damon tells me exactly what happened while I was out. Apparently Alaric's a serial killer. Kol, Finn, and Esther are gone. Big shocker there. The Original Family confronted their mother and apparently suicidal brother Finn, but there was no need. Damon killed Abby, severing Esther's connection to the Bennett bloodline. I stare at him in shock as he says this. Bonnie just got her mom back. And now, she's become the very thing Bonnie hates, even if she was already, she is moreso now.

Why? "Damon, I love you, but every time I think you're getting better, you go and do something like this! There had to have been another way!" "Well there wasn't." He snaps at me. Elena walks into the station at this moment. Seeing Damon, she sighs deeply. "Were you just with-"He's fine. But Sheriff wants me to stay out of it." She lifts an eyebrow at him. "But you're not going to?" I cross my arms. "Don't bet on it. I promise, I'll find out what's going on. Don't rely on Damon. He'll probably resort to killing people, somehow."

Damon and Elena both shoot looks at me. Elena's is gratitude. Damon's is malice. He doesn't scare me. Despite being older, Damon has been easily humbled by those as much as three times younger than him. *cough*Caroline.*cough* "-you hate me. The Earth is back on its axis. Later sissy." He says sarcastically, and turns to leave. "You know, if you keep pushing people away, you're gonna end up alone!" Oop! Damon stiffens, but doesn't turn. He continues walking out.

Elena huffs and throws up her hands.


My phone rings. I check the caller ID, it's Damon. Swiping the accept button, I hold the phone up to my ear. "Hello?" "Do you remember 1912?" A brisk voice asks on the other end. Of course I do. Uncle Zachariah had just passed away. Stefan approaches two women. "Stefan Salvatore. I'm sorry, but I can't help but wonder what killed him? Nobody wants to seem to share any information." The two women exchange looks. "I'm Marianna Lockwood, and this Samantha Gilbert. Zachariah wasn't the first." "Don't say anything!" Samantha hisses.

Marianna shoots her a reproachful look. "He's a Founding Family, to. He deserves to know." Samantha leans in. "Now is not a good time to be a Founder, Mr. Salvatore." Then she and the Lockwood walk away. Of course, at the time, I didn't know she was my family. Great niece or something. "You been eating relatives again?" Stefan turns sharply, noticing our presence. Me and Damon always stuck close, going off the rails together.

"Damon. Kat." He breathes. "It's been a long time, brother." "Almost 50 years." It is undeniable I have anger towards my brother, for making me this....monster. But even anger can run short. Damon has rage. "I see you're still mad at me." "That's an understatement." I hiss. "You made us into...demons. For that, Damon has promised you a lifetime of misery. And I, a lifetime of solitude." Damon talks after me. "You turned me into a vampire, Stefan. Now I have to walk the Earth drinking other peoples blood."

"Any chance you took it out on Zachariah?" I turn my head sharply. "How dare you. Are you really so cruel as to think either of us had something to do with it?!" I demand. Damon places a hand on my shoulder, calming me so as not to make a scene. "Last time I checked, you were the one eating family members, not us." Damon says coolly. "I'm not like that anymore. I've found peace." I scoff and smooth out my wrinkled skirts and perfectly crimped curls. I also adjust my hat, which is very much in fashion.

"Well congratulations, Stefan. Now if you'll excuse me, I'd like to live out my eternal existence as far away from you as possible." I gather up my skirts and turn with Damon as we start to leave. "Damon, Kat, wait." I turn sharply. "You don't get to call me that anymore. And anyway, I don't go by that. It's Alexandra now." Stefan frowns. "Sorry. But, let's grab a drink, catch up." He turns his flat cap in his hands. I look to Damon. He turns to look at Stefan, slowly. "I've missed you, family."

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