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I always hated mountains. That doesn't change as we hike upward. I'm covered in sweat and mosquitoes. Of course a bunch of animals would hide in the woods. Stefan talks with Klaus as he carries Ray's body on his shoulders with ease. "If we could just skip the chit-chat that'd be great." I stifle a laugh. Stefan's being sassy.

We come to a stop as voices and faces attached to them come into view. Many people are talking and walking, setting up tents and such. They all stop as we come into view. Stefan drops Rays body carelessly and a woman immediately races to him. "Ray!" He doesn't respond, obviously. She looks up at Stefan, glaring. "Who are you?" Klaus steps in front of Stefan.

"The important question is, who am I?" He smiles, but it's not a friendly smile. "My name is Klaus." The woman stands up immediately, backing away. "You're the hybrid." She says. Klaus smirks. "So you've heard of me...fantastic." I roll my eyes. He's so full of himself. He sits down on a rock, with one leg up, and slings an arm around his knee. He pats the rock next to him. "Come, Salvatores."

Me and Stefan dutifully sit next to him. "It's fascinating, isn't it? Werewolves are forced to turn in the moon, and Vampires burn in the sun? I'm neither." Ray gasps awake then, sucking in air. The woman's eyes flick to him. "Ah. Excellent timing Ray, very dramatic." Klaus addresses him. "What's happening?" Ray chokes out. Klaus gestures to Stefan. "Stefan." Stefan nods. He sits up, getting off the rock. "Are any of you human?" He asks the people watching us.

He walks around Ray. "Your friend here needs human blood, to complete his transition to vampire. If he doesn't get it, he'll die." The people shuffle, nervous. "Anyone? A girlfriend, a boyfriend, along for the ride?" Klaus says sarcastically. He turns. The man standing beside Ray's pack member backs up. Klaus smiles. "You." He grabs the man and bites him swiftly, causing him to scream. "No!" His girlfriend shouts, running to him. Klaus tosses the man to Stefan, where he grabs him by the neck and tosses him to the ground.

Oof. That's gonna leave a mark tomorrow. Stefan holds down the man's arm next to Ray. I sniff, shifting on my feet. I'm still hungry. My lips part slightly, tasting the air. Stefan's eyes are changing quickly now, much like mine. The veins are leading down, his eyes turning red. His fangs retract as he talks to Ray. "Oh, and Ray?" He smirks. "I don't know how to stop."

Klaus holds the woman by her hair. "I'd rather die than become a vampire." She spits. His eyes divert, turning yellow and black. "Wrong choice." He snarls. He bites his wrist and and forces her to drink his blood. She gags trying to fight him. Ray drinks from Derek. Klaus let's go of the woman, pulling him up, sitting him on a rock.


Ray rocks back and forth, chattering. "They're dead." Duh. Around him littering the ground are his fresh-killed pack members. This time I help with the picking off to help speed things up. "They're all dead." He gasps. Klaus observes him. "He's through his transition. He should feel better soon." Ray coughs, heaving. I have to say, from my point of view, he's looks on the verge of death. "So is this your master plan?" Stefan is talking to Klaus.

"Create an army of hybrid slaves?" Klaus scoffs. "No, not slaves. Soldiers, comrades." Stefan shifts on the tree he's leaning against. "What war, may I ask?" Klaus laughs. "You don't arm yourself after war has been declared, Stefan."

"What makes you think they'll be loyal?" Klaus chuckles. "Well it's hard not be when you're on the winning side." Stefan laughs, pulling himself off the tree. "You'll learn that once you shake that horribly depressive chip off your shoulder." Stefan starts talking again but I don't listen. Ray is starting to convulse, and blood is pouring from his eyes and nose. Klaus notices to.

With a growl, he grabs Ray's face, examining it. Stefan trails off. "Something's wrong." Klaus observes. Stefan leans down and grabs Ray's face to get a good look too. He scoffs. "Huh. That shouldn't be happening, should it?" Klaus shakes his head. "Obviously." Klaus says, bitterly. I bite my lip. I'm not particularly close to Stefan, not since he forced me and Damon to turn, but he's "changed" or whatever, so...whatever, I guess.

Ray is shivering. "You said it was gonna feel better...why doesn't it feel better?" He gasps. "Some master-
race." Stefan snarks. I snicker. Klaus sends me a glare. I shut up. "Lose the attitude." Derek's girlfriend gasps awake then. "Derek, come feed your girlfriend." Derek obeys blindly, the bite mark in his arm seeping. Ray jumps up then, roaring. He runs away, jumping a rock. Stefan turns around, astonished. Klaus sighs. "Go after him. One of you."

I chase Ray through the woods, tackling him. I shriek as he bites into my arm, leaving two marks. I groan as I feel the werewolf venom racing through my veins, and then...nothing. I pause. Then I get up and chase after Ray. That's weird. I should be hallucinating or something right now. I don't know the specifics, only what I saw from Damon before me and Stefan left to break the deal with Klaus.

I stop mid-run as I hear voices. Damon, and Elena. I turn, and walk to an opening in the trees. On a hill, Damon, Elena, and Damon's enemy turned friend, Alaric go up steadily. My heart aches suddenly, I... I miss Damon! I gasp. I want to run to him immediately, but I hear steps behind me. It's Stefan. He glances over my shoulder, and his stony facade breaks. "Elena...Damon." He whispers. Then he seems to remember I'm there and straightens up again.

"I think...I think Klaus compelled me." Stefan starts. "Really?" I nod. "I haven't missed Damon once..nor have I wanted to leave." Stefan scoffs. "That explains it. I thought you'd gone crazy or something..can vampires go crazy?" I giggle. "I don't know." He laughs with me, patting his knee. Then we hear footsteps, and we both stop. "He got away." Stefan says. "Let's go." We walk past Klaus quickly, to distract him. He grabs my arm. "What, is that?" I pause. "What?" He motions to my arm.

Two puckered up pink punctures are fading quickly. "Oh it's nothing. He bit me." Klaus's eyes widen. "What? That's impossible. Your wound wouldn't be healing." I shrug. "Guess I'd better take some of your blood later to be sure." I shrug off his hand, which is tight around my forearm.


We walk back to the camp, where the now-hybrids are convulsing in a way similar to Ray. Their faces are coated in blood. Hmm.


It's night now, and the full moon is out. I'm standing to the side, bored. "End of the line for you." Klaus smirks. He bites into the human, Derek,'s neck. He drops to the ground. His girlfriend walks up to Klaus stiffly. "Careful, love, there's only one Alpha here." Then his smile slips as she doesn't say anything. "Bloody Hell." He scans the other wolves, and I follow his line of sight. They all either shuffle stiffly, or sit on the ground, rocking back and forth.

He frowns. Stefan is no where to be found. Within minutes, Stefan returns, holding his arm, and their bodies liter the ground. Klaus stands up. "They're all dead." He yells, his face contorting, shattering a bottle on the ground. I jump. "I did everything I was told! I broke the curse. I killed a werwolf, a vampire, and the doppelgänger. I should be able to turn them!" He stops. He glances at me.

"How's that wound?" I shrug. "Fine. It's still healing." He walks toward me, and Stefan flinches, but Klaus obviously doesn't see it. "How is the question, isn't it? How indeed." I don't say anything and shuffle under the scrutiny, holding my breath. He stares a moment longer, than picks up an empty beer bottle. He slices open his wrist with gritted teeth and squeezes his blood into it. He hands me the bottle and walks off into the woods without a spare glance. Stefan stays behind, making sure I drink the blood.

I do. I take a swig, and cringe. It tastes sweet. Too sweet. "Ugh." I wipe my mouth with one hand and drop the bottle with the other. I walk off into the woods, leaving Stefan to follow me. Klaus is such a bad choice of company, not that it's really a choice. I only hope I made the right one.

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