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"You look surprised to see me." Oh, surprised is an understatement. "I take it you weren't the one who undaggered me?" Klaus shifts on his feet. I stand behind the two, watching the exchange. "You look like you could use a drink. We have a lot to discuss so shall we?" Elijah punches him, attacking. I growl and transform, lunging for Elijah. He pushes me back, into the wall.

They fight, slamming each other into walls. Klaus slams Elijah through a table. "You know, you have every right to be mad at me." I clutch my head, which is aching. "But I kept my word. I reunited you with our family!" He hisses. Elijah springs up and they tussle again. Klaus pushes Elijah against a coffin, holding a dagger in the air. "Don't make me do this again, Elijah!" Klaus swears. "Use it. I dare you." Elijah grits out. Hm. Brave.

"You'll have Kol to deal with." Klaus slowly lowers the dagger. "Mikael is dead." Elijah straightens up immediately, eyes widening. "What did you say?" "I killed him." He lets go of Elijah. "Well, we did." Elijah seems to notice me for the first time. "Alexandra." His tone holds a hit of surprise. "We killed him with his own weapon, Elijah! He's gone, forever!" Elijah's eyes flick back to Klaus. "And our family?!"

"Why do they still lay in boxes? Finn for over 900 years, Kol for a century!" I blanch. Who is Finn? And why the hell has he been daggerred for 900 years? I shiver. I couldn't imagine the torture. "Because of Stefan Salvatore." My head snaps up at the mention of my brother. "He holds the one thing keeping me from freeing them." I chew my lip at this. What does this mean? So there's even more then I originally thought? Things just keep getting more confusing, and it's not helping that Klaus has left me out of the loop.


I start, opening my eyes. Elijah rounds the corner. "Ah, Alexandra. You're awake. Your brothers will be joining us later for dinner." I look around. I'm still in the living room. I fell asleep? I can't remember. I also can't remember what I was worried about. Nothing's wrong. Stefan and Klaus just made a deal to get his family back. I get up, dusting my knees. "They want to call a truce." A truce? "Sounds fishy." I say aloud, walking away.


The doorbell rings, and I jump up, speeding downstairs. Elijah is opening the door, and my brothers stand in the doorway. "Niklaus, our guests have arrived." Elijah calls. Not that he needs to, Klaus is already rounding the corner. I stand beside him. "Stefan, Damon, Elijah tells me you seek an audience. Very bold. Let's discuss the terms of the agreement like civilized gentleman, shall we?" Damon and Stefan pause as they take in the settings.

3 women stand around the table, by the fireplace, eyes glazed over. "It's better to indulge him." Elijah says, passing by the two. "I didn't come here to eat Klaus, in fact, I didn't want to come here at all, but he told me I had to." He looks pointedly at Damon, who just shrugs. Klaus sits, and I take a seat in between his and Elijah's chairs. "Hmm. We could all eat or I can reach down your throats and pull out your insides, choice is yours."

I gag. Why is always violence with him?? Stefan cocks his head, but the two sit down, taking their seats across from the three of us. A woman pours Damon a glass of wine as we all dig in. I sigh. I could get used to this. "Thank you." Damon tells the woman. "What's the matter, lost your appetite?" Klaus asks Stefan. Stefan's not eating, just staring at Klaus. Stefan rolls his eyes. "I thought we agreed to leave grumpy Stefan at home." Damon bumps him.

Stefan doesn't move a moment longer, but eventually picks up his fork. "That's the spirit." Damon grins. "This is nice, the five of us dining." Klaus speaks out. "So tell me, Damon, what was going through your mind when you pulled the dagger out of my brother?" I know he'll say some sarcastic shit, and I'm right. "Oh, you know me. I figured, the more, the merrier." I pick at my plate.

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