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Me and Klaus sit on my couch, waiting for Stefan. We're sitting the long way, meaning we're smushed up against each other, and Klaus has an arm around my shoulders. My legs rest over his. Stefan walks in, and Klaus downs a cup of bourbon. "What are you doing here Klaus? And.... Alex. Figures."

"Well, my hybrids left town as you requested, so please tell me what I need to do to get my family back." "Not all of them." He looks pointedly at me. I glare at him. No one should have to beg for their family. "Just tell him, Stefan." Klaus looks at me. "Well see Klaus, I'm not negotiating." Klaus scoffs. Stefan's such a hypocrite, I swear. Acting like he's in the right. "And you do realize that holding them indefinitely is basically the same as stopping them into the ocean?" I nod along with him.

"No, no. You leave Mystic Falls and my sister alone, and then give me a call in a few years and we'll talk." I spring up. "What?! Do you hear yourself right now? He was gave you your freedom! He was going to leave you all alone...but no! You had to get back at him! You're a lousy know that? I don't know why Elena would ever choose you." He stiffens only slightly at my words, and Klaus watches his reaction. He gets into my face. "I don't care about Elena anymore."

"Bullshit! You've always been a shit liar, Stefan!" My fists clench, and I get ready to swing. Klaus gets in between us. "Easy now, love. Calm down." My breathing slows and my fists slowly unclench as I back off. "I'm going to give you one more chance, Stefan. Let's make a reasonable deal." I don't bother listening. I know Stefan, and I know he's bent on a hell path right now. "Or what? You make one move-" Klaus laughs. "That's right. Crazy Stefan. Hmm. How's that working out for you?" I settle back onto the couch, watching the two.

Klaus has sat down in a chair next to Stefan. "Any friends left?" Stefan doesn't answer.


"How's life on the road?" "Scenic. How's life without any hybrids?" Me and Klaus sit in the Mystic Falls Grille. I think he's on the phone with Tony. "Boring." I push him playfully on the shoulder. "Hey!" I mouth. He only chuckles at my expression. "If you want any of us back, all you have to do is say the word!" "There's no need. I've been making friends with the towns civil servants. There's a deputy that's awfully chatty but useful nonetheless. His name's Parrish, I think. Are you clear what you need to do?"

"I've got it covered." Klaus hangs up. I frown. Why all of the sudden do I feel like he's keeping things from me? "So, you know we haven't been on an official date." I raise my eyebrows. "I figured this is the perfect place. This or that fancy restaurant downtown. Not sure which is more your speed." I'm pleasantly surprised.

"Hmm. Gonna have to say the restaurant. I know too many people here." He groans. "I should've known. You always were the classy type. Nonetheless, whatever you wish." He hops down from the barstool. "Uh uh uh." I shake my head. He looks at me, perplexed. "Let me get dressed, I'll meet you there." He eyes me. "...Okay. See you there love." I watch him walk away, and my smile drops. I only have a small time frame to figure out what he's keeping from me.


I find Stefan. "Klaus is up to something." He gives me a sarcastic look. "No shit. But... why are you telling me? It thought that was against your sire-bond or something." I shake my head. "I'm serious. He was talking to one of the other hybrids, out of town. He told him to do something. Look, just, ask around if everybody's okay, all right?" He looks at me gravely, then nods. I watch as he walks away. Now that that's out of the way, I don't feel guilty putting it out of my mind.

I make my way to the Mikaelson mansion and to Klaus's room. I put on a cocktail dress, nothing too fancy. It's a simple red, and just below my knees. The sleeves are long, splitting open at the wrist. I bought this dress a year ago, for the Miss Mystic Falls after-dress. It's a soft satin, and smooth like silk on my skin. I brush my mushroom-blonde curls to one side, and hang expensive gold earrings in my ears, checking my watch.

I'd better get going. I smooth my dress as I walk into the restaurant. A woman waits at the front, with a computer pulled out. "Reservation?" I'm unsure, but I nod. "Mikaelson?" She nods curtly. "Right this way Mrs. Mikaelson." I flush, but don't correct her. She leads me to a table in a corner, where Klaus already sits, reading a menu. The table is decorated with rose petals and candlesticks. A champagne bottle sits, untouched, next to two champagne glasses. Klaus himself is wearing a tux.

She lets me get seated and walks away. Klaus sets down his menu then. He gives me a once over. "You look..." I wait for him to finish. He trails off, and smiles instead. I huff mockingly. "Well I guess I won't tell you that you look absolutely dashing." He laughs. "You look amazing, Alexandra. That color looks good on you." I smile appreciatively. "And just where did you happen to get a tux?" He pats his bow tie. "I happen to know a place."

He waves a waitress over, and he automatically comes, and slits his wrist. Before I have a chance to react, Klaus is speaking. "Don't worry, he'll be fine." I nod, a wave of calm washing over me. Right. It's just a little blood. He squeezes it into the two champagne cups, and then leaves. We both grab our cups. We hold them up. "To us." Klaus decrees. "To us." We clink the cups and I down the blood in a second.

"Hmm. I think I'll have the steak, rare. I just love having something to sink my teeth into." He grins. I roll my eyes at his not-so-subtle joke. "I'll take the linguine pasta and baked potato." He waves the waiter back over, and tells him our orders. He ends up getting the steak, but medium rare. Personally, I prefer well done. We sit in silence, sipping champagne as we wait. But it's not uncomfortable. His phone buzzes, breaking the silence.

He picks it up, and texts back quickly, setting the phone down. "Who was that?" I ask, hopefully subtle. "No one. Ah, here's the food. Let's eat." I eye him for a moment longer, but my focus is distracted when the food is set down. It smells delicious, almost as good as blood. I dig in, twirling the pasta around my fork. I bite into it and almost gasp. It's absolutely mouthwatering. Klaus cuts his steak and eats it, one meticulous bite at a time. I suppose he's used to this kind of food, but I'm not.

He receives another text, and curses silently. I look up from my food. "Sorry Alex, I've got to go." He pushes out his chair and stands up. "What?" He tosses a 100 and 50 dollar bill on the table. "I'll make it up to you, I promise!" He calls. I stare at his empty place, uncomprehending.


Klaus is back now, and I'm changed back into casual clothes. He stands in his living room, surrounded by three coffins. I frown. So this is what he was hiding? Coffins? He notices me standing behind me. "Alex! I'm sorry for walking out on our date, but I had to save my family. Tell Bonnie I said condolences, her mother was simply collateral damage." I'm puzzled. Bonnie's mother? She left like...15 years ago or something. Why's she back in the picture?

I find myself frustrated yet again, because I'm missing pieces. Something else went down tonight, something big, and those coffins were involved. I look into the other room, where they've just been moved. So that's his family? All of them? A ripping sound causes me to jerk around. The other hybrid, Tony, I think, is falling to the ground, and behind him stands-Elijah?! "What did I miss?" He asks, casually.

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