20's Dance

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TW: long ahh chapter 😒

I give up. I'm moving out of Mystic Falls, I swear. The second I get a free opening. I meant it when I said there wasn't a boring day here. I've had it. Apparently Alaric is on "a sabbatical"? And we want to go to a dance. At the high school. A 20's dance no less. Sigh.

Damon furrows his brows. "Tell me you don't believe that?" I demand. He shakes his head. "Not in the least." Oh. Perhaps he isn't as oblivious as Stefan. Speaking of which, him and Elena are going to the dance together. I overheard him on the phone. Even I can tell that's a bad idea. Does anyone remember the history of bad events to happen at dances with Elena?!!! No? Just me? Okay.

Whatever. Damon walks out the door, and I follow. "Where're we going?" I ask. "To Alaric's. He's hiding something."


Damon storms through the hospital and I struggle to keep up. He runs into a room and immediately starts barking questions at the doctor, Meredith, who stiffens upon seeing me. I smile and waggle my fingers at her. Her eye twitches, but she says nothing. He holds up the jar, almost triumphantly. "See this? This is Alaric's herbs from Bonnie. He hasn't been taking them. And he just called me to say that he's 'going on a sabbatical'?"

Damon frowns, and promptly leaves. I longer a moment, glaring menacingly at her. She stands up straight, staring back at me. Hm. I break out a smile and she falters in confusion. I turn and leave. I have a dance to get to, after all. At home, my 20's dress sits. The only one not stained by blood anyway. See, like Stefan, I like to keep a record of my past. Instead of diaries, I keep items. Objects from different eras of time. I reckon I could fetch a lot of money for what I have.

Clothes, old newspapers, dishes, that kind of thing. And it just so happens that for the roaring 20's, of course I had my humanity off, but not before the end of the 20's. Before...Klaus turned it back on, I had taken to just throwing my stuff wherever. Multiple bloody and non-bloody dresses littered my floor when I got home that night. I spent forever cleaning. I keep my stuff in large trunks, which I'm now opening. The top creaks open and scents invade my nose.

One in particular takes me back to that one fateful night in the roaring 20's. It smells of liquor, blood, and him. I pull it out swiftly. To a human, they would smell nothing. Only a supernatural could smell it's history. The dress is red and black, with zigzagging patterns. Fringe falls delicately from the hem. Its knee length and complete with elbow-length black gloves. Setting it aside, I dig through the rest of the trunk.

Jewelry also resides in it. A long string of pearls, and an intricately beaded headband. Talk about a 'walk down memory lane'.


I dance on the dance floor as an upbeat 20's song floats through the air. Jamie and Bonnie dance in one corner while Caroline and Matt talk in another near the food table. With my super hearing, I can hear what they're saying. "Have I ever told you how awesome you are?" Matt turns. Caroline is wearing a red dress, Bonnie a black one. Stefan and Elena haven't come yet. "Why the compliments? What do you want?" Matt says with a humorous smile.

"I know that...you and Elena have been getting closer lately." I tense up. "And your point is?" Matt asks her, still with a hint of humor in his voice. "One way or the other, she's pretty much spoken for." Ha. She'll never choose. I tune out at that point. A familiar scent wafts over to me and I stiffen. I know that smell. The smell of my own distant blood, Tyler. I whip around, and sure enough, there he is. Concern immediately paints my face. He's laughing with other people whom I've never seen before. Probably jocks.

Caroline leaves Matt and storms up to Tyler. "What're you going here?!" She exclaims. "If Klaus sees you-"Whats he gonna do? Draw you another picture?" Uh oh. Trouble in paradise. Frowning, I make my way to them. "What do you think you're doing?" I demand. I turn to Caroline. "And what picture is he talking about?" She chews her lip, not answering. "Klaus drew her a romantic picture which she kept." Tyler clenches his jaw, and spits his name like it's a poison.

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