The Werewolf Curse

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Someone knocks on the door, breaking me and Stefan from our feeding frenzy. He frowns. "You get it, it's probably fresh meat." I drop the body I'm feeding on and go to the door. It's Emma, Robert's sister. "Kat! Thank God you're alive! I was so worried. Have you seen Robert? Ever since he left to find you, he never came back, is he here with you?" She pushes her way inside my home. I shut the door behind her, slowly.

She stops. Bodies liter our living room, and Stefan is not done. Emma tries to scream, but I snap her neck. Stefan stops what he's doing, observing me. "You turned it off...didn't you?" I grin. "It's so fun. You should try it." Then I grab Emma's body and heave it to the couch. I grip her body tightly, and feed. I don't stop. Not when I hear her arm crack. Not when I feel her collarbone shatter. Not when I'm tearing her apart, desperately trying to get every last drop.


I groan when I wake up. My wrists are burning. I snap awake, struggling to get them off. "I wouldn't do that. Those chains are vervained." A far away voice says. "Who's there?!" I call. "An old friend of your mothers. I was sent by the Original Witch herself." "What do you want from me?" I choke out.

"Good question. I want you to kill Klaus Mikaelson." I sputter. "You're crazy! What makes you think I'll do that? Or that I can do that?!" A woman steps out of the shadows, holding a syringe. I move in my chair. I'm in an abandoned basement, covered in cobwebs and one single blinking light. "You see, Klaus is an abomination, a hybrid. You are the only one who can challenge him, with this." She holds up something. A white oak stake!

"Where did you-"That doesn't matter." I scoff.
"Well, you consumed his blood within the last 48 hours, correct?" I spit. "What's it to you?" "That's what I thought. You're almost through the transition to werewolf." I laugh. "You're crazy! I'm a vampire, not a werewolf." Her face darkens. "Wrong." She throws something at me, some liquid. I scream as it sizzles into my skin. "That was Wolfsbane. And this," she holds up the syringe. "Is a little thing I like to call Wervain. Catchy right?" She giggles.

"Anywho, long story short, daddy hits mommy, mommy cheats, mommy has a baby." I freeze. "Wait...are you saying...I'm not a Salvatore?!" I gasp. She smiles. "Bingo! You're a Lockwood." I'm struggling to breathe. It feels like my throat is closing up...can vampires have panic attacks?

"Even...gasp...if you were telling the truth..." Pause. "I would've already triggered the curse a long time ago." I choke out. She tuts, and leans down to my level, I try to back away. "You see, mommy found out what your father was. Mommy went to a witch to remove the curse. Mommy was told it couldn't be done, so mommy found a loophole. Lily hired a witch to make it so your werewolf genes could never be activated, but what mommy wasn't counting on was that magic isn't always the answer. Recently, you consumed the hybrids blood, which contained the cells needed to bind vampire and werewolf cells together, essentially creating a new race."

"But he failed!" I choked out. "Yes. Because you and your brother are keeping an essential fact from him. The doppelgänger's alive."

I shake my head. "Your plan will never work. He won't come for me, he doesn't care about me. He'd choose himself over me a thousand times." She sighs. "You really are blind. Listen, he needs you and your brother to carry out his dirty work for him or else his whole plan falls apart. And did it ever occur to you that he might actually care for you and your brother?"

Nope. Because it's just wishful thinking. I think I'm just having a healthy old case of Stockholm Syndrome. This woman is crazy. I'll have to find another way out. She yawns and leaves the room. As soon as the door clicks shut I start wiggling, trying to knock the chair over. If I break it, the chains will fall loose. I sway back and forth, the chair creaking. I successfully knock the chair over, breaking it. I shake the chains off, but she's behind me in an instant.

"Tut tut tut. You can't leave yet. The parties just getting started." She grins, her eyes turning black. She plunges the syringe into me, and I scream. I collapse into the ground. It's like my bodies on fire.

Every inch of me burns. My skin starts to peel from the inside. Nothing I've ever felt before compares to this. Getting run over by a truck, being sawed in half, burning in the sun, this is 100 times worse. I scratch at my skin, as if I could get the Wervain out from the outside.

Tears roll down my face as I begin to choke. Black goo seeps from my nose and ears. Then faintly, I hear a loud thundering boom, and suddenly Klaus is above me, concern written all over his face. "Alex?!" He calls faintly. His voice is strangely muffled. My vision swims. "Oh, bloody hell." He groans. "This is gonna hurt." I feel a pain in my arm, dull, and far away. Then the world topples over.

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