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Pria came over the next day. "Me and Harry have FaceTimed I think every night since the first time. He just- I don't know. He's just so perfect. And cute." "Are seriously still thinking about this?" "Yeah. I really want to go. I'm just scared that he doesn't want me there. I don't know." "Pheebs you gotta stop overthinking everything. Did he make you happy when you saw him or when you call him?" "Yea I guess." "Then what the hell are you doing here? Go!" Pria was right I need to go. I grabbed my suitcase a packed everything I'll need. "Oh Pria what would I do without you." I hugged her. "I know I'm great." Harry has 2 shows coming up at Wembley. On Friday I left. I called an Uber to drive me so I didn't have to leave my car. I dropped Lei off at our parents and I was gone. I was so excited about my decision, I realized I didn't even tell Harry I was coming. Oh well. Surprise for him. I stayed in a hotel even though I literally live in London. I arrived to the stadium on Saturday. The day of the show. I looked around and there were so many people. I found a security guard. "Just a few things you should know. " I told him. "Ones a question and one is something about Harry." "Alright" he said. "How many fans are gonna be here tonight?" "About 90,000". Harry is so brave. I could never. "The next thing.." I told him everything, but I also told him I want it to be a surprise. I told him I don't want Harry to know. I waited until Harry was on stage before going to his dressing room so I could take a picture.

Phoebes Instagram

                                                                    Liked by Leilani_Adams and 106 others                                                                  Phoebe

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Liked by Leilani_Adams and 106 others
Phoebe.adams Wembley.
Leilani_adams- so lucky.
Prialaurier- ❤️

The security guard brought me back to Harry's dressing room. I sat around his dressing room for a while. I started to hear walking outside the room. The door was starting to open. I was sitting on the couch in his dressing room. Thats when he opened the door. He stood there in shock. "Phoebe!" He ran and hugged me. "What are you doing here?" "Oh Harry. I told you I had to figure out somethings before I made my decision." "You actually came! I didn't think you would" "I knew I wanted to come back ever since the Glasgow show." "I missed you" he said. "I missed you too." We told each other everything. Even though we FaceTimed every night. "So what now? Show me the life you live!" "We are going back the hotel now then we eat and sleep. Then get up and do it all over again!" "Im so excited!" I felt so happy. He's just so perfect. When I talk he just listens. He watch's me and it just feels so nice. He's so comforting. Something Warren didn't do for me. I could never say any of this to him though. We started walking to the car. We got in and being this close to him just felt so right.

We walked into the hotel and since they didn't have any rooms left, Elin said I could stay in her room. Plus, it's a good start to getting to know the band right? Elin, Sarah and I sat around and just got to know each other. Sarah left to go and see Mitch. When she left I sat in my bed and couldn't stop smiling. "What's up with you" Elin said  "Oh you know." "It's him isn't it?" "Who?" I knew exactly who she was talking about. "Phoebe you know who I'm talking about" "No I don't." I said with a smile on my face. "Harry. You know you're the only thing he's talked about since Glasgow." "Wait really?" I had no idea. But does that mean- no no it can't mean that he likes me. Right? "Yep. He talked about how much you made him smile. How much he likes your sister, how much you guys laughed when you lost your car." "Oh ok." I didn't know how to react and I fell asleep pretty quick after this.

I woke up, showered and went to find Harry. "Pheebs!" I smiled at the use of my nickname and he pulled me into a hug. "H" I said into his chest. "You look gorgeous." I felt my cheeks turn red. "Let's go find something to eat before soundcheck" he said. We went and got croissant's and donuts for breakfast. "These are really good" I said.
He started telling me about what I could do during soundcheck. He said I could either sit or stand while he did his thing. He said it would feel like I was getting my own personal concert. Sounds like something I think I could get used too. I could be smiling at him the whole time. Every time he looks at me I get butterflies in my stomach. Every time I see him I get butterflies. I've never felt this before. Not even with Warren. I think I'm starting to fall for him. After sound check we would just have to sit around for a while.
Harry pulled me into another hug. I love his hugs. They're the best. I wish I could stay like this forever, wrapped tightly in his arms. He placed a kiss in my head. Did he just kiss me? I thought to myself. "I'll see you later Pheebs." "Yea." I went back to my room and scrolled Instagram.
I miss you. Please come visit.
                                     I miss you too.
                                     Im coming
I really did miss him. Even though we aren't together and probably won't ever be together I missed him so much. We've only been apart maybe an hour.

Kind of short. Sorry. How are you liking it so far. Lemme know in the comments.

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