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Harry Styles just asked me to go on tour with him. However, after that conversation I knew he was a safe space. I knew if I needed anyone to talk to he was the one. He just listens. I love it so much. But how on earth would I be able to go with him. I can't leave Leilani her by herself. She's only 16. I know that she probably could, but she doesn't really know how to cook or anything. So leaving her here isn't the best idea. The only way that would work is if we reconnect with our parents. I really want to go on tour with Harry, but I just don't think it'll work out. But, I want it to work so bad. I thought I wasn't gonna have a good time at the concert, but I had the time of my life. I can see why he loves it so much. I decided to call Pria for her opinion since she was back from her vacation.
"Hey Pheebs what's up?" "So you're not gonna believe this, but uhh Harry Styles asked me to go on tour with him. And when we lost our car at the stadium he was totally flirting with me. I want to go so bad because I'm not gonna lie, he's so nice and I miss him. But I don't think I can because I don't know what I will do with Lei. I was thinking and I realized the only way it will work is if we reconnect with our parents." "Wow. That was a lot to take in. What I would say is, you definitely need to reconnect with your parents. You haven't seen them in almost 5 years. Don't you think it's time. And if reconnecting doesn't work I'm more then happy to have Lei come and live with me. Also did you say HARRY STYLES WAS FLIRTING WITH YOU?!" "Yea he was. And I- I don't know. I kinda liked it. He kept complimenting me and stuff. Also, I think I'll try reconnecting and if it doesn't work then she is all yours. Also thanks. I really want to go with him, but it's gonna be a big change." "Change is good. Sometimes thats what you need in life Phoebe, change." "Thanks Pri. I really appreciate this." "No problem girl. You're my best friend it's the least I can do."

I don't know if I should tell Leilani that Harry asked me, but I know I should because she could end up living with our parents again. I said to myself screw it I'm telling her. "Lei could you come here for a sec?" "Coming. What's up?" "Listen, I got asked something huge by someone. But I don't want you to freak out when I tell you ok?" "Ok...." "Harry Styles asked me to go tour with him." "Pheebs your joking right?" "No I'm being dead serious. The issue is I don't know if I can." "Wait why?" "You. What are you gonna do. You can't stay here by yourself. The only thing I could think of is reconnecting with Mom and Dad." "I don't know if that's a good idea." "Lei I know, but if it doesn't work out then Pria said you could go and stay with her." "Ok. It would be so much more fun if I could go with you." " I know, but that's just too much."

Hey. Have you made a decision?
I have. But I just need to figure somethings out first before I tell you ok.
Ok love.

This is actually gonna be harder then I thought.
I looked through my phone to try and call my mom. I then found out I don't have her number anymore. "Leilani, come here." "Yes?" "Do you have mom or dads number?" "I think I have moms." "Ok great. Can you call her. Don't tell her why I might be leaving though. She'll find out soon enough."
And it happened. We are calling our parents who we haven't talked to in five years. Shockingly, she picked up the phone.
"Hello?" I say. "Phoebe." "Mom." "Is dad there?" "Yea why" "we need to talk to both of you." "Look we understand we haven't talked to you guys in 5 years, but I've had an opportunity come up and I don't want to say no. The problem is, Leilani has nowhere to go if I leave. We just want to say sorry and see if we could get together again and reconnect. You know?" "Oh Phoebe we would love too. We've missed you both so much. We are so wrong for what we did. And we're sorry. Come over tomorrow. I'll send you the address." "Thanks you guys."
"Well that went better then I thought" I told Lei. I didn't expect them to say that. We went to bed with the excitement of seeing our parents for the first time in a while.

Thursday rolled around and it was time to see our parents. Harry also had a show this day and I couldn't help, but look at Instagram too see all the updates. Not gonna lie I'm super nervous to see my parents. We drove over there and the house was so nice. "Well here goes nothing." I knocked. The door opened and there they were. Standing in front of us. We all hugged in happiness. "Mom, Dad I missed you so much." I said pretty much crying. "We've missed you guys too. Come on in." We walked in and sat on the couch. "So how have you guys been?" "Pretty good. We went to Harry Styles last Saturday." Leilani looked at me, trying not to spill. "Oh that's fun." Mom said. "Yeah it was." I said pretty much blushing. "So Phoebe tell us about your opportunity" dad said. "Well uhhh don't freak out ok? After the Harry Styles show we lost our car. We tried looking for help and the person that came to help just happened to be Harry. He was uhhh complimenting me. He gave me his number and told me to text him when we got back. I texted him him and yea. When we got back to London I was feeling stressed. Pria just got back from vacation so I couldn't call her and Lei doesn't handle those things well. So uhh I called Harry. We talk for hours. It just felt so natural." I said blushing. "Oh ok. That was your big opportunity?" "No. At the end of our FaceTime call he uhh asked me if I wanted to go on tour with him. I didn't know how to react so I just said I'll think about it. The problem was I didn't have anywhere to bring Leilani. I realized the only way it would work is if we reconnect with you guys." "Phoebe that's wonderful. So are you going?" I really want to but I didn't know how to tell them. "I want to. But I don't know if I will." "You should! It would be great for you." "Anyways thank for this."

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