Chaos in Austin

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Harrys Instagram Story

A lot of the places we are going to I've never been too

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A lot of the places we are going to I've never been too. I've been to New York and most of the European cities, but that's about it.
"You ready for 6 more shows love?" "Yep!" "Good."
We get off the plane and go to our hotel. "Wanna go for a walk Pheebs?" "Sure!" "Alright. Let's go." We went for a long long walk. We of course brought Remy with us. He is so special to me and Harry. I wanted him and Harry needed him. Whenever Harry is having a bad day Remy is always right there beside him. He always puts a smile on Harry's face and that makes me happy. "Harry I really want some candy." "Yeah? Well I think you should have something healthier. How about some fruit." "Oooh yeaaahh." "Yeah? Which fruits would you like? I'll go and get them and make you a little fruit bowl." "Strawberries, raspberries, watermelon, andddd, pineapple." "Ok my love." I'll be right back. Ok?" "Ok. I love you H." "I love you too Pheebs."

Harry gets back about 20 minutes later with a look of panic on his face. He puts everything down. I run over to him. "Harry talk to me. What happened. I need to know." He starts breathing heavier. "Phoebe I'm kind of dizzy." Shit, he's having a panic attack. I know this because I used to have them all the time "Harry. Lay down. I'll get you some water." "No I'm fine." God he's stubborn. But I love him. "Harry listen to me. I know what I'm doing. Please go lay down." He finally listens. I go and lay down next him. "Harry what happened. Please tell me." "Well I walked into the store and everything was fine. I walked out and I got swarmed by paps and fans." I could tell he was gonna start crying. "Come here love." I motion for him to come closer. "Keep talking." "I felt like I couldn't move. Some random dude just happened to be walking out as this happened. He grabbed my bags and put them in his cart. Then he grabbed my hand and pulled me out of there. I have no idea who he was, but I'm so thankful for him. Then I got here and all the same paps and fans were outside. I pushed my way through them and ran up here as fast as I could. I bet if you look outside they are all still gonna be here." I go and look. They are. "Pheebs please come back. I need you." "Just a sec Harry." Im debating running outside and yelling at all these crazy people for treating my Harry like that, but that's probably not a good idea. Instead I cut up all the fruit and put it all in one big bowl for me and Harry to share. I get back in the bed and Harry cuddles right back into me. I rest my head on his and rub his back. "The Notebook?" "Yea." I turn it on and Harry falls asleep in my arms just like most other nights.
We get to the arena and Harry looks reasonably happy. "You ready love?" "Yea. "Go have fun." I kiss him.
All of the Austin shows go wonderfully. Harry for once actually looked happy up on stage.

And he was happy the whole time up until leaving the arena tonight. The final night in Austin. We walk up to the big glass doors of the arena and there are paps everywhere. "Why are they here." Harry says and he sounds like he is gonna cry. "I don't know love." I hug him. You have to be joking. Harry doesn't need this. "Harry love. Listen. Im gonna walk in front of you. Ok? You just hold my hand and rest your head on my back. Don't look up until I say. Ok?" "Are you sure?" "Yes love. Im gonna do everything I can to protect you from them ok?" Usually it's the guy in the relationship that protects the girl. But our relationship was different. Harry had really bad anxiety and stresses a lot and I don't. I need to be the one protecting Harry. "Here goes nothing." I say to myself. All the paps start yelling at us. My inner protective girlfriend came out. "I DONT CARE IF YOU PICTURE ME BUT LEAVE HIM THE FUCK ALONE. CANT YOU SEE HE DOESNT LIKE THIS?!" I yell as I push me and Harry through them. We got back in our car and I figure Harry isn't in good condition to drive. So I drive. He starts to cry. "Love don't worry we are almost there. When we get back I'll make you a nice bath and then we can cuddle for the rest of the night. Does that sound ok?" "Yeah."
We walk into our hotel room and Remy is there to greet us. He's a good dog, he doesn't cause trouble so we can leave him the hotel room by himself and he's fine. "Love go sit on the bed." He does just that and Remy jumps right up there with him. I kneel on the floor in front of him after I finish his bath. "You're bath is ready my love." I kiss his head. He leaves and gets in his bath. I get into my pjs and lay down under the blankets. About 5 minutes later Harry comes out and joins me. He only has his pants on. After Harry gets in the bed I kiss him. Then he pulls me on top of him and he starts making out with me. He pulls away. I roll off of him "I love you Pheebs. Thank you for, for everything." "I love you too H. You still want cuddles?" He didn't even say anything and he just laid right close to me. I kissed his head all over. The word I would use to sum up Austin is 'chaotic'. I have no idea where protective Phoebe came from, but I think I'll be using her more often. I think we spent most of our time dealing with paparazzi. We leave for Chicago tomorrow.

Also a short one.
The next one is gonna be Chicago which will also probably be short.
Then LA which will be longer.
And I think each show of the last leg will get it's own chapter.
Lemme know what y'all are thinking so far
x Megan🩷

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