I'm sorry Harry/Surprise Pheebs!

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This chapter is sort of two things. The sad part was to short to make as one chapter so I put the next one along with it.

We had to leave for North America in two days. I started to overthink. I can't go with him. I'm gonna miss my family to much. I woke up to Harry not there. I walked around the house and he wasn't there either. I figured he probably went for a run. I started thinking again. I can't go with him. I need to go back to my flat and focus on my job. I needed to leave now, before Harry gets back. I packed up all my stuff. Left him a note that said:

I have decided that I can't go to NA with you.
I need to go back to my flat. I need to focus on my modelling career.
It's better this way.
I love you more than you will ever know
x Phoebe

This was surely the best way. I got back to my flat and laid in my bed and cried. Why am I crying? It was my decision. I called Pria. "Pheebs? What's wrong? Did Harry do something to you?" "Please just come. I'm in my flat." "I'm coming. Do you need anything?" "No. Just come."
Pria was here within five minutes of me calling her. "Oh Phoebe. What happened." "I-I left. Without t-telling him" "PHOEBE ADAMS. YOU DID NOT." "Please don't yell." "What do you mean you left him. I've never seen you so happy with someone." "He has to go to North America. And I need to stay here and focus on my career." "He told you that?" "No. I decided it was the best. He was out for a run and I left him a note. Then I left." "Phoebe you're joking. Right?" "No." I start crying even harder. "I need to see Lei. Please call her. And tell her to bring Odie." Lei came in my room and Odie jumped on me. "Pheebs what happened." "Pria please tell her." "Well Lei. Your sister thought it was a good idea to leave her boyfriend without telling him." "PHEEBS. YOURE JOKING. WHY? HE MADE YOU SO HAPPY." "I-I don't know I regret it so much. I can't go back now." Odie sat right in between my arms and made sure I was ok. I need one of these dogs. "Can you guys just leave me alone." "Yeah sure." Odie left too. It's now 10pm I had been sitting in my room crying for a long time. I hugged Wilfred tighter and closer than ever. I fell asleep by 11.
Harry leaves in two days. I miss him so much. I walked out of my room to get a glass of water and a bagel. Leilani and Pria were still here. "What are you guys still doing here." "We want to make sure you're ok." "Of course I am." I get back to my room and start to think. Was it the right decision? What did Harry think of my note? Is he crying right now? What am I thinking. Of course Harry is crying. I just left him. Leilani comes to my door. "Hey. You ok?" "Yeah. Except I look like a hot mess." That's when he appeared. His curly brown hair. His beautiful green eyes. Harry. "I don't think you look that bad love." "Harry. What are you doing here?" "I'll leave you guys alone." Lei said and she left. "I couldn't leave without you." "I told you I can't go." "Love, come here." He motioned for me to sit in front if him. I did. I sat right in his lap with my head in his chest. He wrapped his arms around me. I missed my Harry and my Harry hugs. "Now tell me exactly why you can't go." "I-I just. I don't know. Im gonna miss my family too much. I need to focus on my career. Ok? Why don't you understand that?" "Phoebe. I understand you're gonna miss your family, but you want to know why I convinced you to get into modelling?" "Why?" "Because you don't have to be in one spot when you do it. You can be anywhere in the world." "I guess I never thought of that. That still doesn't mean I won't miss my family." "I know, but I promise you I will fly them out to us for some of the shows." "You'd do that for me?" I say and I look up at him. "You don't think I'd do that for you? Of course I would. I love you. You're my girlfriend. That is if you'll come back to me." I look up at him. And kissed him "Oh Harry. I love you. Of course I'll come back to you. I was silly for leaving in the first place." He put his hands on each side of my face. "I missed you my love." "I missed you so much Harry." "Now please go get yourself ready. Im not saying you look bad, but you'd look so much more beautiful if you were actually ready." "Ok." I went and hopped in the shower. I feel so much better. I walked out of my bathroom. "Can we go to the couch and cuddle while we watch a movie?" I ask. "Of course love." We walked hand in hand to the couch. "Looks like some of my favourite people made up." Lei said. "Yeah and?" I say. Harry sits down on the couch and I lay right in between his legs. "I love you Harry." "I love you more." Odie jumped right on us. "I need one." "Yeah?" "Mhm." I guess at some point we both fell asleep because Lei took this picture and sent it to me.
Phoebes Instagram story.

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