Family Drama

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It's finally time to go back to LA. As much as I love London, Los Angeles is one of my favourite places.
We have three more shows at The Forum, then we have two at Acrisure Arena. One of them being on Harry's birthday.
We get on the plane at Heathrow and fly to LAX.
We drive to Harry's house and we both sleep because we just had an 11 hour flight.
Pheebs idk how to tell u this.
                       What happened?
I'll call you.
I was starting to stress. "Phoebe darling, what's going on?" "I don't know." Pria called. "Pria what's happening." "Pheebs. Your parents came over to my house." "Please tell me they didn't do anything. Please tell me Lei is ok." "Everything and everyone is fine, but" "but what." "They said that if Lei doesn't go back to them they are going to something to her. I don't know what, but it didn't sound good." "What the hell is wrong with them." "I have no idea. I don't know what to do." Then Harry says something. "I don't want either of you guys to get hurt so, what if I fly you guys out here to LA." "Harry you don't have to do that." "Pheebs. Look at me. I don't want either of them to get hurt ok? And I know you don't. Your parents will have no idea where either of them went. It's the best idea. I'm sure Jeff will be fine with it if we tell him the reason." "True. Ok. Let's do that. If that's ok with you guys." "As long as we don't get hurt." Pria says. "Ok. Both of you pack up your things. Everything you have. Don't leave anything behind. Ok?" Harry says. "Ok." "I'll get someone to pick you guys up and get you to the airport." "Thanks Harry." Lei says. "No problem." We hang up the phone. "Thank you Harry." "No problem Pheebs. I love you and I know how much they mean to you. It's the least I can do." I snuggle up to him.
We are at Heathrow.
             Ok. See you soon(ish). Travel safe!

"They are about to board the plane." "Ok love. Why don't we get some sleep so we can pick them up when they get here." "Ok."
Harry and I sleep for about 10ish hours. We head over to LAX. On our way we called Jeff. "Hey mate. Sorry if I woke you, but uhh Phoebes sister and best friend are gonna be with us for a while." "Ok... is there a reason why?" Harry tells him everything. "Oh Pheebs. I'm so sorry. You sister and best friend are more then welcome to come on tour for as long as they need." "Thanks Jeff."
Luckily there are no paps out at this time because they don't know Harry is out at this time. We run into the airport and find them. "Lei!" "Pheebs." She says and runs into my arms and cry's. "It's ok. They aren't here." I say. "Come here Lei" Harry says. Lei is hesitant. "You should. He helps a lot." I whisper to her. Lei goes over to him. "Look Lei. Your parents are crazy. They don't deserve you or Pheebs. If they ever did anything to either of you I wouldn't be happy. And you guys can stay with us as long as you need. My manager says it's fine." She hugs him. "Thanks harry. Thanks for everything." "Don't worry about it." "Now why don't we go back home." I say. "That sounds good. I'm tired." Pria says. We get all of their things packed up in the car and start driving back to Harry's. Harry shows each of them their room and then we head back to our room. "Thank you Harry. For all of this." I say and cuddle close. "Anything for you love. Plus, I love both of them." "Heyyyyy." I say and make a pouty face. "What." "You said you love them. You don't love me." I tease. He just shakes his head with a smile on his face. "I love you Harry." "I love you Phoebe." We both fell asleep.
"Good morning love." Harry says. "Good morning." I say. We go into the kitchen and start making some breakfast. Harry walks up behind me and wraps his arms around my waist. Lei and Pria both walk in. "You two are the cutest." Lei says. Harry smiles at me. "Go sit. We'll bring food to you." We finish up our breakfast and Pria, Lei, and I all go and get ready. "Ready to head over to the Forum?" "Uhh yeah. We've never been." Lei says. We go and find Harry. We find him and he kissed me. "You look beautiful love." "Thanks." He kissed me again.
We get to the forum and Harry does soundcheck. "I can't believe you get to do this every night. You're pretty lucky." Pria says. "I know." It's time for the show to start. We get half way through the show before Harry starts play Music For A Sushi Restaurant. He ripped his pants. When it was encore I ran under the stage. "You silly man." I say. "It wasn't my fault he says." "Oh it wasn't. Who's fault was it then." I tease. "You can't blame it on the pants." "Don't blame me." He says. "Quoting the ex?" "Always." I kiss him. "Go finish your show." I run back out and to where Lei and Pria were standing. Except they weren't there. I look at Harry. He looks at me. He only has two songs left. 'Meet me under the stage' he mouths. I run under the stage. "Sorry everyone. I'll be right back." I could here him faintly say. "Pheebs what's happening?" "Lei and Pria are gone." "Where did they go?" "Harry how the hell would I know."
Help. You're parents have us
                   Where are you?
Just outside the forum.
               We'll be there in a second
I start crying. "Pheebs what's going on?" I threw my phone at him. "Shit. How did they know where we are." "I don't know." "Don't worry Pheebs. We will get them. First I need to cancel the rest of the show."
Harry's pov.
You bloody joking I thought. I run back up to the stage. "Sorry everyone, but we are having a bit of an emergency. I will have to cancel the rest of the show." I heard someone yell "why". "Uhhh. It has to do with Pheebs. Her parents and her yeah. They don't have a good relationship. Let's put it that way." I heard someone else yell "I hope everyone is ok!" "Thank you!" I say and run off the stage. I call Jeff. "Hey uhh phoebes parents are here and they took Lei and Pri" "seriously? I'll get some of the team to track them down." "As of five minutes ago they were outside the building." "Ok." I run back to Pheebs. "Phoebe love. Jeff has some of the team tracking them down." "Good. Can we go out there?" "Of course darling. Please just try not to interfere. I don't want you getting hurt." "I won't Harry." "Then let's go."
Phoebes pov
We run outside and sure enough we find Lei and Pri standing out there. "Where is mom and dad?" "They went to get the car." "Come on. Let's get to my car." Harry says. We run back inside and get to Harry's car. We drive out the back so they don't see us. We get back home and both of them start crying. Harry takes Lei and I take Pria. "It's ok Pri. They aren't here." "There is something fucking wrong with them." "I know." She hugs me and I hug her. Once they both calm down they head to bed. Me and Harry sit on the couch. Then we hear a knock at the door. Remy and Odie both start barking. They know when someone bad is here. I look out the window. "Shit." My parent were standing there. "Lock all the doors Pheebs. I'm gonna call the police." I run around the house and lock every door. And close every curtain. Then I run back to Harry. I jump on him. "I'm scared." "It's ok love. The police are on their way. Just ignore them." The police arrive and we open the door. My mom try's to grab me. Harry grabs and pulls me back in the house. "Leave her the fuck alone." "Don't talk to me like that." My mom says. "Well if you didn't treat her like shit maybe I wouldn't." "And who might you be?" "Her boyfriend. Don't you remember me?" "No. No I don't." "The one you said she is to young to date. I'm also known as international pop star and member of one of the most famous boy bands ever. HARRY STYLES. Thank you very much. Now if you keep facing me." I start crying. Harry turns and faces me and picks me up. My parents try and get in the door. "I DONT FUCKING THINK SO." Harry says. "YOU WILL NOT BE SEEING LEILANI, PRIA, PHOEBE OR ME EVER AGAIN." Harry says. The police walk up. "You have the right to remain silent. Anything you say could and will be used against you in court." "BYE BYE." Harry says. "YOU IDIOT." My dad yells. "Whatever." Harry says. He really didn't care what they said to him as long as we were all ok. The police put both of them in the car and come back to me and Harry. "We will make sure they never see you again. We're sorry you had to deal with this Ms. Adams." "It's ok. I have all of my favourite people safe, that's all that matters to me." "Have a good night officer." Harry says. We go and wake up Lei and Pria. "Phoebe what the hell." Lei looks up at me. "Wait what happened. You look like you've been crying." "Mom and dad came. Harry called the cops though and they got arrested. We will never have to see them again." Lei jumped on Harry. "Thank you Harry. You are the best." "You're welcome. As long as all of you are ok."
The next two LA shows go great. The final LA show might be my favourite. Harry was just on fire. He had so much energy. I loved seeing that. We were also matching. (Sorta)
Phoebes Instagram Story

 (Sorta)Phoebes Instagram Story

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Harry's Instagram Story

The next two are in Palm Springs

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The next two are in Palm Springs. Then we go to the Grammys and Brit's and then to Australia/Asia.

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