Sick harry.

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Tonight was night seven of fifteen at the Forum. "You ready for the show love?" "Yep." "Ok. Is your cough gonna bug you at all?" "I don't think so." "Ok good."
We started driving over to the Forum. "Good luck love. I love you." "I love you too." We kissed and then I ran down to my spot in the pit. Something happened that has never happened before. A few fans called me over to them. "You're so pretty." "Oh thank you." I say. "Can we give you some bracelets?" "Of course!" The fans gave me some bracelets and asked for a picture which I was fine with and then I went back over to my spot. Near the end of the show I could tell Harry was looking different. Something was going on. So during the encore I went under the stage to meet him. "Pheebs." Harry came and hugged me. Then he backed away. "Harry you don't look to good." "Pheebs I feel sick." "Come here love." I motion for him to come closer. "It's ok." I say. "I'm gonna try and finish this show, but I don't know if I can do the next few." "And that's ok. Only do what you can." "I should probably go back out. I've been gone for a while." "Ok love. I'll wait here for you. I love you." "I love you too Pheebs." Harry finished the show and came back down under the stage. He looked a lot worse. "Pheebs I feel so sick." "I know love. It's ok. Let's go home and get you to bed." Harry got in the passenger seat and I drove. We got inside and Harry went straight to the bathroom. I follow him. By the time I get there, he has already thrown up. I sit behind him and massage his shoulders. Then he starts crying. "Harry love, it's ok. Do you want anything to eat or to drink?" "Just some water." "Ok. I'll be back love." I kissed his head. I run and get a water bottle and fill it with water. "Here you are love." "Thank you." "How about you go to bed. That might help." "I don't want you to leave me." "Harry, I'm not gonna leave. I'm gonna stay at your side the whole time. I promise ok?" He nods. "Now come on love." I get Harry in bed and then I get in bed. Harry comes and lays right with me. He starts crying again. "It's ok love. I'm right here. Sometimes things like this happen. Its normal. It's gonna be ok. The worst thing that can happen is you have to cancel some shows. It's not the end of the world. Your fans will understand." He just nods. "Why don't you try and get some sleep. Here, you can cuddle with Wilfred. He helps me a lot." "Thanks Pheebs." I hug him nice and close and he hugs Wilfred nice and close. He falls asleep and I send something to the band.
Love band
Harry is pretty sick.
Mitch: poor guy
Elin: it happens
I think I'll see if he's better tomorrow. If not then we will head to the doctors.
Pauli: as long as my dancing buddy's ok.
(Writing that line made me cry.)

I try and get some sleep myself. I don't sleep very well cause I want to make sure Harry is ok.
"Good morning H. How are you feeling?" "Still sick." "That's ok love." "If you're not any better tomorrow we will head to the doctor." "Ok. I want Remy to come and cuddle with me." "Ok love. I'll go get him." I go downstairs and find Remy sleeping in his bed. "Come here Remy." He follows me. We go all the way to the bedroom and Remy jumps and cuddles nice and close to Harry. I go on the other side of him and cuddle him. I fell asleep because I didn't sleep at all last night. I wake up to Harry not next to me. Then I hear sounds coming from the bathroom. I get up and run in there. I see Harry sitting on the floor by the toilet. "Harry.." I go behind him and cuddle him. "Pheebs. I feel worse." "Ok love. I'm right here." "I think I'm gonna have to cancel the show tomorrow." "Ok. I think that a good idea. I'm gonna make something to eat. Would you like anything?" "Maybe some fruit." "Ok darling." I go downstairs to the kitchen and cut up some fruit. I put it in a bowl and bring it upstairs. "Here you are love." We spent the rest of that day in bed.
The next day arrived and Harry didn't look any better. "Harry love. I'm bringing you to the doctor." He starts crying. "Love. It's ok. I know you don't want to cancel the show, but you probably will. We will see what the doctor says. Ok?" He nods. We get to the doctors. "I'm sorry Harry, but you will have to cancel at least the next three shows. You have the flu." "Ok." He says sadly. We get back in the car and head home. We get in bed and Harry lays in my arms and cry's. "Harry. It's ok. I know cancelling shows is hard" I kiss his head over and over. "I love you so much Harry."
Harry's Instagram Story

"Harry's Instagram Story

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"Love, I know that was hard for you to post, but I'm glad you did it

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"Love, I know that was hard for you to post, but I'm glad you did it." "Please cuddles." I laugh and cuddle him. "Of course love."
We both fall asleep.
"Good morning Harry love." "Good morning Pheebs." "How are you feeling?" "A little better." "Good. I think we should go and get some fresh air. How about we make some tea and some food and we go sit outside." "I like that idea." "Yeah?" "Mhm." He says as he cuddles closer to me. "Ok love. But if we do that we have to get up." "But I want to stay close to you." "Ok love. Once we get outside we can sit on the couch and you can be nice and close to me. How does that sound?" "Good." "Ok then let's go." We go and make some breakfast and go and sit on the couch outside. Harry sits right up close to me. "I love you Harry." "I love you Pheebs. I would kiss you but I don't want to get you sick." "Oh Harry. I don't care if you get me sick." I say and kiss him. "I missed that feeling." He says. "Me too." "Pheebs I'm cold." "Go inside and sit on the couch. I'll be there in a second." He gets up and goes where I told him. I clean everything up outside. And then go inside and clean up the kitchen a little. "Pheebs. I'm really cold." I hear Harry say from the couch. "Im coming love." I walk into the living room and get on the couch. "Grab a blanket Harry." He grabs a blanket and then lays in between my legs. I put the blankets of him. "Is that better love?" "Yeah." He says.
Harry and I spend the next few days just like that. As much as I didn't like seeing Harry sick, I love taking care of him and making sure he is ok.
"Good morning my love." Harry says with energy. "Someone's feeling better I see." "Yep!" "Good." I sit up next to him. I kissed him. "You ready for tonight's show?" "Never been more ready."
We head over to the Forum and Harry gets ready for the show. "Please don't over do it love." "I won't. Don't worry darling."
(I'm sorry, I couldn't not do it.) I kiss him. "I love you Harry." "I love you Pheebs." He kissed me one last time before he went on stage. I ran out to my spot and I could already see how much he missed this. He was so happy and looked so much better.
"Did you miss doing that love?" "For sure."
The next shows (eight-twelve) go super well.
Now it's time for Latam

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