Episode 97 - The Barrier Is Broken

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It was a split second, but Chelsea felt something coming, it wasn't a threat, the energy was familiar. It was heading for Suikotsu, so she immediately lept out of the way of the blade that was coming at her from Jakotsu. The shield dropped. Revealing a whistling through the air though; once it stopped Dr. Suikotsu froze.

Chelsea looked at the Dr, there was an arrow now in his neck.

Sesshomaru saw the arrow, the young lord looked away, into the direction that the arrow would have come from. A face that Sesshomaru recognized held out her bow.

Jakotsu looked at them in fear, They turned and started running. "That woman scares me."

Chelsea watched them run past her, Jakotsu didn't even look at her, looking up the cliff slightly. A woman in red and white clothes started coming down the side of the cliff from her horse. "What?" Her energy was similar to Kagome's; that is why she let down the shield, she thought it was Kagome.

Kikiyo went up to Suikotsu, his jewel had been purified turning him back into the Dr.

Chelsea and Sesshomaru walked up to them watching; Chelsea felt the energy of the doctor change. The woman who was now sitting with him was dead as well, just like the Dr.

Rin crawled away from him and ran up to them, hiding under their legs.

The Dr. started pouring his heart out, as he lay on the ground, feeling horrible about what was happening. "I'm sorry, I tried to save them." He spoke solemnly, "But it started to become no use, after that moment when I couldn't save her. When I killed that man, I felt something else."

Chelsea was confused at the behavior of this man; like he was a completely different person now. All she felt from him before was a horrible energy, he was just a bad person, but that wasn't the case at all. Now, he has a sad but loving energy. Did I miss something?

He talked about how he was stuck behind a dark cloud that appeared when he killed that man so long ago, he was a doctor, he was supposed to help people. When he talked about this inner darkness, it led him to join the band of seven and do horrible things. Though, as he continued to murder, that dark piece of him craved it.

The look on Kikiyo's face was conflicted, you could see a puzzling look.

Dr. Suikotsu looked up at Kikiyo. "I'm sorry for all the things I've done."

Chelsea took a breath, he was pained, he just wanted to be at peace. Jekyll and Hyde. Chelsea let out a small sigh at the thought. His story was horrible, but it wasn't new where she came from. It sounds like when he was near the mountain though, the pure energy held back the Hyde in him, letting the Jekyll out. Though, the shard was also causing him to become more and more evil.

Kikiyo reached down and touched her arrow, "Then be at piece." She said comfortingly, as she touched the arrow it dissipated into a light energy, purifying the jewel shard in him.

Sesshomaru, Chelsea, and Rin watched and listened.

The Dr. grew tears in his eyes, he didn't want to live like this anymore, "Please, let me die and be at peace." He stared up at the sky, "I really don't want to let that dark part of me kill more people."

Kikiyo nodded, "I understand." Her voice was soft and gentle as she spoke and comforted the Dr. She reached out to his neck to remove the shard.

A blade swiftly got in her way, cutting into the neck of Dr. Suikotsu and ripping the shard out of him. The shard flew through the air; they all watched as Jakotsu caught it, then turned and ran away.

Chelsea narrowed her eyes at him, "Coward!" She shouted, holding out one of her hands, a small knife flew to her. Quickly, she went to throw it at Jakotsu but was stopped.

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