Episode 49 - Now To Be Mindful

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Sesshomaru was stopped short in his pursuit for Chelsea, more spots of energy appeared, seemingly out of nowhere. There was a smell of smoke that came on the air, as bright red dogs slowly came out of the bushes.

The leaves began to singe as the dogs walked by positioning themselves to block his path. It was the same hounds that came after them before, he narrowed his eyes at them.

They smiled as they approached, "Well well well, where do you think you're going?" One came forward and spoke, it looked like coal with bright red hot veins running over it.

Sesshomaru didn't say anything, he only walked forward.

The pack of dogs watched him, some shied away while others growled, preparing to attack.

He looked down at them, out the corner of his eye, as he approached.

"You're not going anywhere." The black hound growled.

As Sesshomaru approached going to just pass them, one of the dogs barked at him and when he got closer he lunged. Opening his jaws wide he attempted to bite down on the lords arm.

Sesshomaru swiftly lifted his arm; his figures glowed green, as he sliced the on coming dog cutting its head off.

The other dogs started yapping and barking, as they saw one of their own get killed. The large black hound barked loudly "Don't let him go after her."

Multiple dogs then jumped at him, jaws wide and glowing red.

The young lord stood unfazed.

Putting energy into her sword as she swung, letting it fly swiftly at the large snake head. She gripped the other sword tightly ready to swing at the rest of the snake if it were to come at her.

The sword flew swiftly through the air, spinning, as it flew towards the snake.

The serpent dodged the attack, then went in to strike her, opening its massive jaws. The snake hissed loudly, sounding like a scary roar that echoed off the trees.

Chelsea jumped out of the way, swinging at the snake, she rolled on the ground looking for her other sword. She knew she threw it, but she didn't see where it went, the snake attacked and blocked her view of it. Quickly she looked at the snake head, it was looking back at her with a grin.

Opening it's jaws wide it snapped again; Chelsea jumped out of the way, this happened over and over. She only hit him maybe a few times, but the beast didn't seem to be affected by any of her attacks. Chelsea couldn't get any footing to stand and fight back, looking up, she saw the jaws coming in. Jumping to the side she slammed into an invisible wall, "Ahg." She looked at the wall, there was nothing there. Feeling a tickle on her neck she whipped around, the snake was right in her face. She let out a yelp.

"My job is to keep you safe!" Jaken barked as he tried to pull Ah-Un.

Rin rode on the back of the demon, looking at Jaken, but she could hear the yelping of dogs.

Ah-Un just kept walking, it seemed to have a destination in mind, ignoring the imp pulling it.

"Ah-Un?" Rin looked around, "Where are we going? Where did Chelsea go?"

One of the heads of the demon looked back at her and moaned.

Rin looked back at it curiously.

"AH!" Jaken continued to pull, "Listen to me!" He was just starting to get drug behind them.

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