The Witch Sees What Happens

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Chapter 6

Willow saw all that had transpired at the vampire's cave by using her crystal ball. Then she sends her dragon to warn Thor. Thor begins to look for him and finally finds him before the dragon could take him back to the palace. The vampires see Thor outside of their cave and they know what he has come for. So, Aisha tells her dragon to kill Thor. So, the dragon goes after Thor, which Thor tries to fight back by using Mjoinir but the dragon is too powerful, and it kills Thor. Then the dragon takes Loki back to the palace as Aisha told him. When Odin and Frigga see the big black dragon coming to the palace with Loki in his talons, they begin to worry about Loki's safety as well as Thor's. The dragon puts Loki on the rainbow bridge and then flies off back to his mistress. Once the dragon had left Odin tells his royal guards to go and get Loki and bring him into the palace.

Willow sees Thor fall in battle and she sends her dragon, Fidel, to go and get him. When Fidel gets to the vampire's cave, Aisha dragon starts fighting with Fidel. The two massive beasts fought a short battle because it was Fidel who was the stronger of the two. Once the battle is over, Fidel takes Thor back to the palace. When Odin and Frigga saw another dragon, a white dragon coming to the palace with Thor in his talons, they were getting ready to attack the mighty beast, but Frigga remembered what Thor said about a white dragon showing him the way to Loki the first time. So, she stops the guards from attacking Fidel. Fidel lands on the palace grounds and lays Thor's lifeless body in front of Odin and Frigga. Frigga begins to cry over her oldest son. About that time, Loki comes to and sees Thor laying on the ground lifeless. Loki didn't remember what had happened in the vampire's cave, all he remembered last was that he was in his bedchambers having nightmares. Loki yells, "What happened to Thor!!!!" Odin and Frigga said, "We don't know son. This white dragon brought him here like this." Loki looks up and sees Fidel and knows that it was Willow who sent him there. Loki said, "Father, mother the witch that saved me from the vampires sent her dragon here with Thor. So, she must know what happened to him. I think we should go to her and ask her for help." Odin said, "We will let our healers try and save him first before we ask for outside help." Frigga speaks up and replies, "Odin, my husband, maybe we should ask for the witch's help. After all she did save Loki's life."

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