Thor Is Dying

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Chapter 7

After trying the magic that he had, Odin agreed to get help from Willow. Odin asks Loki, "How can we get help from this witch that saved you?" Loki answered, "Her name is Willow and I'm sure Fidel will tell her that we need her help." Odin said, "How is it possible when the dragon doesn't speak?" Loki answers, "He might not speak to us, but I bet Willow can understand him." Loki looked at Fidel and said, "Fidel go to Willow and bring her back here. Do you understand?" Fidel nodded his head and off he went to get Willow.

Willow was in her cottage when she heard Fidel coming. She knew it was Fidel by the way he growled. Willow comes out of her cottage and asks Fidel, "What's wrong my pet." Fidel nudged Willow and she knew what he was trying to say. Willow said, "I see, King Odin and Queen Frigga want me to come to the palace and try to save Thor. Is that right my pet?" Fidel nodded his head "yes". Willow then tells Fidel, "Let's go to the palace then." So, Willow got on Fidel, and they were off to see Odin and Frigga.

Once they arrive at the palace, Willow sees Loki standing there. Her heartbeat with excitement. She didn't think she would ever see him again, especially after what the female vampire had done to him. Loki walked up to Fidel and said, "Willow, I'm happy to see you again but I wished it was in better circumstances." Willow said, "Yes, I know. Fidel told me what happened to Thor and that your parents wanted me to come here to see what I could do for him." Loki answered, "Yes. Can you save him?" Willow got off of Fidel and walked over to Thor. Frigga asked Willow, "Can you save my oldest son like you did with my youngest?" Willow answered, "I will try my best Queen Frigga." So, Willow starts to chant over Thor's body. What seemed like hours, but actually it was just a few minutes, Thor started to move. Thor finally opened his eyes. When he opened his eyes, the first person he saw was Willow. Thor asked Willow, "What happened to me." Willow answered, " When you went to save Loki from the vampires, Aisha's dragon tried to kill you, but it only succeeded in halfway killing you. You still had enough life in you that I could bring you back." Loki's eyes got big and asked Willow, "What do you mean, Thor went to save me....again from the vampires? I haven't left the palace since I came back from the vampires for the first time." Willow knew that she had said too much but it was too late. So, she went ahead and told him the truth. "Prince Loki, you did leave the palace and went to the vampires' cave." Loki's eyes got big again, but he listened to Willow tell the story. Willow continued, "You were under Aisha's spell and didn't know what you were doing." Loki asked, "What did I do, Willow?" Willow dropped her head and answered, "You physically attacked Aisha." Loki was still confused and asked, "You mean I hurt her?" Willow answered, "No not exactly, you almost had sex with her, but you somehow restrained yourself, which made Aisha mad because she wanted you to go all the way, but you didn't." Loki stood there in disbelief. How could he almost have sex with someone and not remember it. Willow tells Loki, "It wasn't your fault Prince Loki, you weren't in control of your emotions. Aisha had you under her spell." Loki felt bad for what he did because that was nothing like him. Plus, he too was beginning to have feelings for Willow, and he didn't want what happened with that female vampire to endanger any chances of them being together.

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