The Wedding Day

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Chapter 31

Finally, the two weeks had come, and it was the day of Loki and Willow's wedding. Everything had been prepared for the big day. Odin stood in front of his throne and Loki was on his left side with Thor standing beside him. Frigga stood on Odin's right side. Thor noticed his brother's nervousness. Thor asks his brother, "Loki are you ok?" Loki said, "No, not really Thor. I'm nervous about getting married. What if Willow changes her mind and doesn't want to get married?" Thor reassures Loki, "Don't worry brother. She won't change her mind. She loves you too much." Loki was still nervous. When the music started playing it just made Loki even more nervous. Suddenly the big golden doors opened up and, in the doorway, stood Willow. When Loki saw his future wife, his heart started beating faster. Thor looked over at his brother and put a calming hand on his shoulder. Loki looked up at Thor and smiled. Thor just nodded "yes." Odin motions for Willow to come down the hallway. As Willow started walking down the hallway, her heartbeat got faster at the thought of becoming Loki's wife. It was a long walk down the aisle to meet Loki at the throne. She finally got to the throne and to Loki. She stood there facing her future husband. Loki and Willow smiled at each other.

Odin raised his staff, Gungnir and tapped it on the floor two times as a sign that the ceremony was about to begin. Everyone in the throne room got quiet as Odin started to speak. Odin said, "We are gathered here today to unite Prince Loki of Asgard to Willow of the forest witches. If there is anyone who objects to this union, speak now." Odin waited a few moments to see if anyone objected, just then the big golden doors burst open and in walks Queen Damaris of the forest witches. Odin exclaims, "What is the meaning of this Damaris!" Damaris asked Odin, "Didn't you say if there was anyone who objects, to speak?" Odin exclaims, 'You are not welcome here, Damaris! Leave at once!" Damaris looks over at Willow, who had tears in her eyes. Willow asked Damaris, "Why are you here? You have already given me permission to be with Loki." Damaris answered, "Yes, I did, and I thought at least that I would get an invite to your big day but sadly I did not." Willow said, "That's because I don't want you here." Damaris replies, "Willow, how could you say that? I'm your adoptive mother. I have every right to be here for your big day." Odin tells Damaris, "You heard Willow, she doesn't want you here. So, leave now!" Damaris replies, "No! I won't leave! I belong here and I'm staying." Willow tells Damaris, "You gave me your word that I could be with Loki. Why are you doing this?" Damaris looks into her adoptive daughter's eyes and replies, "I'm not here to object to your marriage to Prince Loki. I'm here as your mother." Willow said, "But you said you were going to object to the marriage." Damaris replies, "No, I didn't, Willow. What I told Odin was that he said if anyone objects to speak but I didn't say that I object but I was speaking up because I should have been invited to your wedding." Willow got quiet for a moment. Then said, "Fine! You can stay as long as you don't cause any problems." Damaris smiled at Willow, who wasn't smiling back. Damaris saw her adoptive daughter's expression and felt bad because of how she acted. Damaris tells Willow, "I'm sorry that embarrassed you in front of everyone. That was not my intention. I just wanted to be here with you on your special day." Willow said, "Well, you DID embarrass me." Damaris said, "I'm sorry, Willow but I do want to stay." Willow said, "Ok you can stay, just don't cause any problems," Damaris said, "I won't." Damaris looks over at Odin and says, "Ok Odin you may carry on with the wedding." Odin gives Damaris a stern look. Damaris walks over and stands beside Frigga. Damaris tells Odin, "Well, what are you waiting for, continue." Willow said, "You promised you would not start anything." Damaris replies, "I'm not. I just told Odin that he can continue with the ceremony." Willow shakes her head, "no." Odin turns back to his guests and asks, "Is there anyone else who has something to say?" No one says anything. Odin said, "Very well then. Let's proceed."

So, Odin proceeded with the ceremony. Odin started by asking Willow a few questions: "Do you, Willow of the forest witches, swear to stand by your prince in all matters of the kingdom?" Willow answered, "Yes your majesty." "Do you, Willow of the forest witches, agree to be loyal to your prince and the kingdom of Asgard?" Willow answered, "Yes your majesty." "Do you, Willow of the forest witches, agree to carry on the Odinson bloodline?" Willow answered, "Yes your majesty." "Do you, Willow of the forest witches, swear to uphold the Asgardian traditions?" Willow answered, "Yes your majesty." With that being said, Odin taps his staff on the floor. Then announces to the guests, "I Odin, the All Father hereby claim this marriage is official and Willow shall be part of the royal family." All of the guests clapped in approval.

After the ceremony was over, Loki and Willow greeted their guests and went to their reception and ate a piece of their wedding cake that Chef Hans had made. They had their first dance as husband and wife. As they start to leave the reception to go to their bedroom for their wedding night, Damaris walks up to them. Damaris said, "Congratulations Willow and Loki. I'm happy for you." Willow said, "Thank you. Damaris." Damaris asked Willow, "What happened to mother?" Willow said, "You haven't behaved like a mother today. So, I'm not calling you mother." Damaris felt her heart break because she knew that Willow was right, she didn't behave like a mother today. Damaris tells Willow, "I'm sorry for my behavior today. I was just so heart broken when I found out that you were getting married and you didn't even think to invite me, your adoptive mother. After all, I am the one who raised you when your parents were killed that awful day." Willow said, "Yes I know but you are not my mother because if you were then you would not have acted the way that you did today." Damaris said, "I'm sorry, Willow. Please forgive me." Willow looked at Loki, and Loki nodded his head "yes." So, Willow decided to forgive Damaris. Willow tells Damaris, "Ok, I forgive you." Damaris reached out for a hug from Willow and Willow hugged Damaris. Damaris had tears in her eyes because she knew that her adoptive daughter had forgiven her. 

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