Willow Talks To Damaris

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Chapter 20

Willow and Frigga arrived at Damaris' castle within a few minutes. Fidel landed in front of the castle. Then Frigga and Willow got off and started walking towards the castle. When the other witches saw Willow with Frigga, they all were in shock. Frigga walked right past them and into the castle. The throne was empty. There was no sign of Damaris. One of the witches said, "The queen will be here shortly." No sooner than the witch said that to them, Damaris appeared. Damaris went to her throne and sat down. She eyed Willow and Frigga. Damaris finally speaks, "So, you have returned with my daughter." Frigga said, "I told you I would go and get her then return for her to tell you herself how she feels about Loki." Damaris replies, "So, you did, Frigga." Damaris asked Willow, "So, tell me daughter, how do you feel about Frigga's youngest son?" Willow replies, "I'm in love with Loki and want to be with him." Damaris said, "You know that by the witch's code that you are supposed to be with a warlock and not a normal person." Willow said, "Yes, I know this, but I still love Loki and want to be with him." Frigga speaks up and said, "You have heard what your daughter has said. She's in love with Loki. So, now do you agree to let her be with my son?" Damaris thought for a moment and then said, "I will consider it." Frigga gets angry and said, "What! You said if she came here and told you how she felt about Loki then you would let her be with him." Damaris said coldly, "I changed my mind. I need to think about this before I give my consent for my daughter to be with a normal person." Willow exclaims, "I AM NOT YOUR DAUGHTER!!!!" Then she runs out of the castle.

Frigga tells Damaris off, "YOU LIE TO ME! How dare you lie to me! I trusted you to keep your word and then you betrayed me. I would have never brought her here if I knew you were going to change your mind." Damaris replies, "My daughter will get over it." Frigga said, "I don't think so. Willow is determined to be with Loki even if it means that she has to give up her magical powers and become a normal Asgardian." Damaris asks, "And how do you plan on doing this?" Frigga said, "I will cast a spell on her making her a normal Asgardian, which you know I can do." Damaris gets up out of her throne and yells, "You wouldn't dare! That would be worse than you marrying Odin." Frigga smiled and said, "Oh, wouldn't I. You don't want to test me, Damaris." Damaris, sits back down on her throne and thinks, "Very well. I will allow it." Damaris looked over at one of her guards and said, "Go and get my daughter and bring her back here." The guard bows then leaves. Frigga then replies, "Are you going to keep your word this time, Damaris?" Damaris replies, "Yes, I will." Willow was getting ready to get on Fidel and fly away, when the guard came to Willow and told her, "Your mother wants to see you in the throne room." Willow lashes out and said, "SHE IS NOT MY MOTHER!!!! I DON'T WANT TO TALK TO HER! SHE'S A LIAR!!!" The guard tells Willow once again, "Be that as it may, she still wants to see you." Willow storms back in the throne room and yells, "WHAT DO YOU WANT!!" Damaris tries to calm Willow down, "Daughter,,,," Willow yells, "I AM NOT YOUR DAUGHTER!!!!" Damaris knew that she had made a big mistake in refusing Willow's request. Damaris tells Willow, "Ok....Willow. I understand why you are so upset. I did tell Frigga that I would allow you to be with Loki if you came before me and told me how you felt about him. I'm sorry that I lied to you and to Frigga. I just wanted to make sure that you are well taken care of." Willow calms down a little bit and replies, "I told you that he loves me. That should be enough for you to accept and believe me when I say that I love him too. I won't be happy with any other man or warlock." Damaris said, "I do believe you and I know that you love him and that he loves you. Otherwise, you wouldn't be willing to give up your powers for him." Willow said, "Yes I am willing to give up my powers for him." Damaris said, "Very well then, you may be with him with my blessing." Willow said, "Thank you." Damaris said, "You're very welcome." Then Frigga and Willow left the throne room and went out to Fidel to get prepared to go back to Willow's cottage.

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