Frigga Talks To The Queen Of The Witches

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Chapter 18

Frigga entered the forest of the witches and was immediately surrounded by several witches. One of the witches asks Frigga, "Who are you?" Frigga replies, "I am Frigga, queen of Asgard and I have come to talk to your queen, Damaris." The same witch said, "I remember you. You defied our queen by marrying the king of Asgard," Frigga answered, "Yes, I did and now I'm here to talk to your queen." The witch said, "Well, our queen doesn't want to talk to you." Frigga answered, "How do you know when you haven't even asked her." The witch tries to use her magic to strike Frigga, but Frigga was too quick for her, and she blocked the witch's attempt at striking her. Frigga said, "Now, will you take me to Damaris?" The witch got up off of the ground and said, "Yes, I will take you to our queen, but you will be sorry for this treachery." Frigga said, "I have not committed treachery against your queen. If anything, it is YOU who has committed treachery against the royal family." The witch said, "The only royal family that we recognize is Queen Damaris and Princess Willow, her adoptive daughter." Frigga replies, "That's who I have come to talk about with your queen." The witch said, "What about Princess Willow?" Frigga replies, "That's none of your business. It has to do with me and your queen." This made the witch mad, but she took Frigga to see her queen.

Queen Damaris was sitting on her throne when the witches brought Frigga to see her. The same witch said, "My queen, this,,,,,woman has come to see you." Damaris replies, "Leave us." The witches left Frigga and Damaris alone. Damaris asked, "Why have you come here, Frigga?" Frigga said, "I see you haven't changed any Damaris. Still straight to the point as always." Damaris said, "I am the queen of the witches, and it is my duty to come straight to the point, just like you are the queen of Asgard." Damaris asked, "Now what do you want here, Frigga?" Frigga replies, "I'll come straight to the point. I have come here on behalf of one of your witches. This witch has fallen in love with my youngest son, Prince Loki and he in turn loves her but because of the witch's code she won't allow herself to love him completely." Damaris asked, "Who is this witch who has asked an outsider to speak for her." Frigga replies, "This witch doesn't know that I'm here on her behalf." Damaris said, "I asked you who this witch is. So, tell me her name so I can find out for myself what is going on." Frigga finally said, "It's your adoptive daughter, Willow." Damaris' eyes got big with shock. Then she asked, "Why has Willow not come to me herself with this matter?" Frigga replied, "I assume that she thought you would refuse her." Damaris replied, "And she would have been right. I would refuse her just like I'm refusing you." Frigga said, "You are not being reasonable, Damaris. Your adoptive daughter has fallen in love with my son and my son loves her. Isn't that enough of a reason for you to grant my request and hers?" Damaris thought for a moment then answered, "No, it is not enough. She is a witch so therefore she must have relations with a warlock not a normal sorcerer." Frigga reminded Damaris, "Remember Willow saved not only my youngest son, who she loves but also my oldest from the vampires." Damaris replies, "Yes, I know. She did that against my wishes. I told her to stay out of the situation, but she didn't listen to me, just like you didn't listen when I told you NOT to marry the king of Asgard." Frigga said, "Damaris, you can't control who you fall in love with. So, you can't blame her for falling in love with Loki or me for falling in love with Odin." Damaris gets quiet. Then said, "If my daughter comes to me and tells me herself that she wants to be with your son, then I will agree to let her be with him." Frigga said, "It's a deal, Damaris. I will tell Willow at once and then come back here with her." Damaris nodded, "yes." 

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