Willow's First Day At The Palace

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Chapter 24

After Loki left her room, Willow felt really bad because she didn't let him make love to her. She really did want him to make love to her, but something kept her holding back and it made her mad because she couldn't get past whatever it was that was stopping her from allowing him to make love to her. She just hoped that she didn't make Loki mad, but she had a feeling that she did, and she couldn't blame him. Willow sat down on her bed and cried because she wanted him to make love to her, but something was holding her back. She didn't know if it was fear or maybe something else, but something was holding her back and she didn't like it. Willow got dressed and decided that she would go looking for Loki to try and explain to him how she really felt. Willow wasn't sure if he would even talk to her or not, but she had to try.

Willow left out of her room to go in search of Loki. As she was exiting her room, Frigga came up to her. Frigga asked, "Willow my dear, where are you going in such a hurry this morning?" Willow didn't even see Frigga standing there at first. Willow said, "Oh, I'm so sorry Frigga. My mind was on something else." Frigga smiled and asked, "Or is it someone else?" Willow knew that she couldn't get anything over on Frigga because she was too smart for that. Willow answered, "Yes, it is someone else." Frigga smiled and said, "Then why don't you just go to him. He's in his father's throne room." Willow nodded her head and thanked Frigga. Then Willow went to Odin's throne room hoping that Loki was still there so she could talk to him. When Willow got to the throne room, she told the two guards that she needed to see Prince Loki and she was told by Queen Frigga that he was in his father's throne room. The guards stepped aside and let her pass. When Willow walked into the throne room, she couldn't see anyone at first. Then she saw a figure standing by the throne. As she got closer, she recognized it was Loki. Willow started walking faster so she could get to him. Loki turns around and sees Willow walking fast towards him. Loki wanted to turn and walk away after she refused him this morning, but he didn't. Instead, he waited on her to come to the throne. When Willow reached the throne, she saw Loki's face. It was one of sadness and hurt and she knew that she was the cause of his sadness and hurt. Loki asked Willow, "What do you want, Willow?" Willow said, "I wanted to talk to you about this morning." Loki asked, "What about this morning? You made it clear that you didn't want me to make love to you." Willow could hear the hurt in his voice, and it hurt her too. Willow said, "That's what I wanted to talk about." Loki said, "There's nothing left to say, Willow. You said you didn't want me to make love to you and that is that." Willow said, "I know that I hurt you Loki and I'm sorry. I didn't mean to. It's just that something keeps holding me back when you try to make love to me. I'm not sure if it's fear or something else. All I know is that I don't like it because I really do want you to make love to me." Loki looked at Willow's eyes and he could tell that she was telling him the truth.

Loki asked Willow, "What are you so afraid of, Willow? Do you think that once we make love then I won't want you anymore or that I'll leave you? Because if that's what you're so afraid of then you don't know me at all because I would never do that to you. I love you too much." Willow dropped her head in shame because that was one of the fears that she had. Loki watched Willow's expressions and knew that what he said was true. Loki lifted Willow's chin up so that she was looking him in the eyes. Loki said. "It true, isn't it.?" Willow looked down at the floor not wanting to look him in the eyes. Loki could tell that Willow was really sorry for pushing him away and he felt sorry for her. Loki takes Willow in his arms and holds her close to him. Willow started crying as Loki held her close. Willow said, "Oh, Loki, I'm so sorry. I didn't mean to hurt you." Loki ran his hand through Willow's long blonde hair. Then said, "It's ok, Willow. I think I understand now. Let's just forget about it, ok?" Willow said, "Ok." Loki tells Willow, "Let's go for a walk." Willow said, "Ok."

Loki and Willow went walking hand in hand. Willow asked Loki, "Could we go and check on Fidel?" Loki answered, "Yes, of course." So, they headed to the courtyard to see Fidel. Fidel was sleeping in the courtyard grounds. Willow tells Loki, "Look he's still asleep. Oh how precious." Willow walks up to the sleeping dragon and touches his nose. Fidel wakes up and shakes his head. "There, there my pet it's ok. It's time for you to wake up." Fidel starts waking up and he shakes his head again and yawns. Willow tells Fidel, "You are a good dragon, aren't you." Fidel stands up and shakes his body. Fidel looks down and sees Willow, he takes his nose and nudges her. Willow laughs at Fidel. Loki watched Willow with her beloved pet dragon. How could he ever think that she could be cold hearted. He was wrong to think that she didn't love him when she had so much love in her heart to give. Willow turns around to see Loki looking at her with a smile on his face. Willow knew then that Loki had forgiven her. Willow walks back to Loki and tells him, "I think Fidel likes it here." Loki asked, "Do you like it here?" Willow replies, "Yes, I do." Loki said, "I'm glad because I like having you here with me." Willow asked Loki, "Does that mean you're not mad at me anymore?" Loki answered, "I never was mad at you. I was just hurt when you refused me because I wanted so desperately to show you how I really feel, and you stopped me....again." Willow said, "I'm truly sorry about that because I really do want you to make love to me. It's just that I'm afraid and I don't know why." Loki asked, "Why didn't you just tell me that in the beginning?" Willow answered, "I don't know. I guess I was afraid that you wouldn't understand but now I know differently." Loki tells Willow, "You don't ever have to be afraid to tell me anything." Loki takes Willow into his arms and kisses her deeply. Then they continued with their day.

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