Loki Goes To Willow's Room

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Chapter 13

As Frigga was leaving Willow's bedchamber, Loki met his mother. Loki asked his mother, "Mother, where is Willow?" Frigga answered, "She's in her new room." Loki asked, "But where and what room?" Frigga asked her son, "Why are you so interested in where she's at, my son?" Loki replies, "Because I want to know where you put her." Frigga smiled at her son and said, "I put her in the room next to yours." Loki's eyes lit up with excitement. Frigga said, "I guess you approve of my decision, son." Loki answered, "Yes, I do mother. Did you tell her what room she was in?" Frigga answered, "No." Loki said, "Then don't because I want to be the one who tells her." Frigga said, "Very well, my son." So, Loki went to Willow's bedchamber. Willow was in her room admiring everything when she heard a knock on her door.

Willow said to herself, "I wonder who that could be." Then she walked over to the door and opened up. There stood Loki with a big smile on his face. Willow was surprised to see him. Willow asked Loki, "Why are you here, Prince Loki?" Loki looked into Willow's beautiful eyes and said, "I thought we had passed all of the formalities? Especially after that kiss in the gardens." Willow lowered her head shyly. Then said, "I haven't forgotten about the kiss." Loki said, "Then what's with all of this formal stuff? I thought we were on a first name basis now." Willow answered, "Yes, we are. I just did it out of habit." Loki smiled and said, "Then will you please call me by my first name, Willow." Willow answered, "I will try....Loki." Loki said, "That's better." Loki asked Willow, "Can I come in?" Willow said, "Oh yes. I'm sorry I forgot to invite you in?" Loki said, "That's alright, my dear." Loki went on to say, "Do you know what room you are in?" Willow looked confused and asked, "What do you mean?" Loki smiled and said, "My room is right next door to yours." Willow was shocked to think that she was right next to Loki's bedchamber. It made her heart skip a beat with excitement. Willow said, "Your mother didn't tell me that." Loki replied, "She was going to come back here and tell you, but I told her that I wanted to be the one who told you." Willow asked, "Why did you want to tell me instead of your mother." Loki answered, "Because I just thought it would sound better coming from me. Plus, I wanted to see the look in your eyes when I told you." Willow smiled shyly and asked, "Was my look to your liking?" Loki answered, "Oh, yes honey. It was." he smiled mischievously. Loki saw the pink sheer nightgown that his mother had given to Willow to wear. Willow noticed the way Loki was looking at the nightgown. She said, "Your mother gave it to me to wear tonight." Loki said, "Yes I know because I was the one who picked it out." Willow said, "But you didn't know that I was going to stay the night." Loki said, "I was just being prepared in case you did stay the night because I was hoping that you would." Willow smiled at Loki, and he smiled back. 

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