Getting Ready For The Wedding

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Chapter 30

The next day, Loki and Willow started planning for their marriage. Willow went to the royal dressmaker to get her dress made. The dressmaker showed Willow a book that had different styles of wedding gowns in it. Willow looked through the book trying to find the perfect one. Willow finally found one that she liked. It was a long-ruffled sleeve gown with gold trim on the shoulders and a wide gold belt around the waist. It was a simple but beautiful wedding gown. When Willow told the dressmaker that was the gown that she wanted, the dressmaker nodded her head and said, "Very well, my lady. I will get started making it right now. I will call you when I have it made so that we can make sure we don't need any adjustments." Willow tells the dressmaker, "Thank you." then leaves the room. Loki sees Willow coming out of the dressmaker's room, so he goes up to her and asks, "Did you find a wedding gown to your liking, my dear?" Willow answers, "Yes, I did, and I think you will like it." Loki replies, "It doesn't matter to me what type of wedding gown that you chose because you will look beautiful no matter what you wear." Willow smiles at Loki. Loki tells Willow, "We need to see to the decorations, the music and the food for the wedding." Willow said, "Well, let's go then."

So, they went to the throne room to check on the decorations for the wedding. The staff was getting the decorations ready for the wedding. When they saw Loki and Willow approaching, they stopped what they were doing to greet their prince and his future wife. They all bowed before Loki and Willow. Loki tells them to "raise." Loki tells them, "We have come to check on the decorations for the throne room." The head of the staff members tells Loki, "Your majesty we have made the decorations for the wedding and the reception. You would like to see them." Loki said, "Yes, we would." So, the head of the staff members takes Loki and Willow over to where they had been working on decorations. The decorations included long green draperies to hang on the walls of the throne room and beautiful flowers that would be placed along the hallway where Willow would be coming down and along the steps that lead to the throne. The flowers were all in pastel colors. The head of the staff asked Loki and Willow if they approved of decorations. Loki said, "Yes. Everything is just fine." The head of the staff said, "Thank you, your majesty." From there they went to talk to the musicians about the music that will be played at the wedding. Then they went to the kitchen to talk to the chef about the food that will be served at the wedding. The chef, Chef Hans greeted Loki and Willow. "Good morning your majesty and my lady Willow." Loki said, "Good morning, Chef Hans. We have come to check on the food for the wedding." Chef Hans said, "I will show you, your majesty." Chef Hans clapped his hands and instantly the other cooks came to him. Chef Hans tells Loki and Willow, "This is what I have in mind for the reception. I plan on having all kinds of fresh fruits, nuts, breads and mead for the men and wine for the women." Willow asked, "What about the wedding cake?" Chef Hans replied, "Yes, my lady. Here are the plans for the cake." Chef Hans pulls out a sketch of a wedding cake." It was a five-tier cake with two white doves entwined on the top of the cake. It had flowers that decorated the five tiers of the cake and ribbons of icing that started from the top of the cake that went to the bottom of the cake. Chef Hans asked Willow, "Does this please my lady?" Willow said, "Yes, it does. It's absolutely beautiful. I love it." Loki said, "Great job Chef Hans. You have out done yourself with this wedding cake." Chef Hans said, "Thank you, your majesty." With that being said, Loki and Willow left the kitchen.  

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