Thor Finds Loki And Willow

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Chapter 10

As Loki and Willow sit on the stone bench kissing, suddenly they hear Thor's voice calling out to them. Loki and Willow break apart very quickly. Loki responds, "Oh, shit Thor is looking for us. Why doesn't he have to ruin things between us?" Willow answers Loki, "Maybe it's important, we should see what he needs." Loki looked at Willow mischievously and said, "All I want is you." Willow turned her face away as she was blushing and didn't want Loki to see but he did. Loki smiled at Willow and told her, "I see you blushing, my love. It's ok that you're blushing, it tells me that you do feel the same way about me as I do about you and that's alright." Loki went to kiss Willow again, but she put her hands on his chest and pushed him away then replies, "Remember Thor is looking for us. So, we better go and find him." Loki drops his head and swears under his breath then he finally responds, "I know but I wished we didn't." Willow smiles at Loki and replies, "I thought you would be happy to see your brother. After all, you almost lost him." Loki looks into Willow's eyes and replies, "I am happy that my brother is alive and well but that doesn't mean I don't want to spend some time alone with you."

Just then Thor comes around the corner of the gardens, "There you two are. I've been looking for you." Loki replies, "Yes, we know. We could hear you from miles away." Thor replies, "That's my brother for you, Willow. Always joking." Loki just turns his head away not wanting to look at his brother. Willow smiles at the way the brothers interacted with each other. She found it very cute and amusing. Willow asks Thor, "What can we do for you, Thor?" Thor said, "I just wanted to thank you for saving my life. Mother told me what you did for me." Willow replies, "I was glad that I could help save your life." Willow gets quiet then says, "I feel like I was to blame for you almost losing your life, Thor." Thor and Loki both looked confused. Then Thor asked Willow, "What do you mean you feel to blame. You didn't do anything wrong." Willow answers, "It was me who sent Fidel to get you. Then you get caught by the vampires and they try to kill you, which they almost did." Thor replies, "But Willow, if you hadn't sent for me then I wouldn't know where Loki was. It wasn't your fault that the vampires attacked me. I don't blame you at all and I'm sure that Loki doesn't blame you either." Loki looks at Willow and replies, "Of course not. Like Thor said, it wasn't your fault what the vampires did. Besides, you saved Thor afterwards. If it hadn't been for you, then Thor would have surely perished today." Willow shook her head "yes." Then Willow, Loki and Thor left the gardens to go back inside of the palace. 

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