part 17 ~ pregnant? 🤍

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Lexis pov!
- 2 weeks later -
(they're still on vacation in the Bahamas)

I woke up at 5:15am this morning. I felt the sudden urge to throw up but I just ignored it and tried to go back to sleep. I carried on tossing and turning pretty much the whole time until I finally fell asleep.

I quickly sprinted into the bathroom and threw up. Andrew must've heard me as I felt his hand hold my hair back and the other one was wrapped around my stomach
Ad ~ baby , are you okay?
Lr ~ not really I feel sick.
I said as i threw up again.
Lr ~ I think I'm done now.
Ad ~ okay , go and get changed into something comfy and I'll stay here with you today whilst the others are out.
Lr ~ babe , I'll be fine , we can still go have fun with the others
Ad ~ yeah but lex your sick , i'll be fine staying with you
Lr ~ I guess we could just watch movies and stuff whilst they're out then
Ad ~ yeah , we could.
I then cleaned myself up and got changed (into the outfit at the top of the page).

After I'd changed , Andrew came back into the bathroom, hugged me from behind and he put his hands on my stomach. I placed my hands on top of his and I kissed him.
Ad ~ lex I think I know why you're throwing up so much.
Lr ~ why?
Ad ~ I'm gonna go to the store and buy you something.
Lr ~ can I come with you , I don't wanna be alone.
Ad ~ yeah , ofc.
Lr ~ thank you baby
Ad ~ your welcome lex

I put my denim jacket and my Dior shoes on over the top of my outfit and we left our hotel room. There was a mini store in our hotel so we decided to go there. When we went inside , I went to the candy isle and Andrew went towards the medicine isle. I picked up some Oreo's and a bar of chocolate then I met up with Andrew at the cashier. I placed my items on the counter and Andrew placed a pregnancy test on it. Andrew then payed for them and we walked out of the store.
Lr ~ why did you get a pregnancy test?
Ad ~ because we had sex about 2 weeks ago babe
Lr ~ oh no , bens gonna hate me so much if I am pregnant.
Ad ~ baby don't stress about it , we'll just tell him separately.
he put his arm around me and rubbed my shoulder , comforting me.

We walked into the elevator and I pressed the button to go up to our hotel room. I took the pregnancy off of Andrew and I kissed him before I went into the bathroom.

I locked the bathroom door and opened the pregnancy test box. I peed on the test and I set a timer for 5 minutes. I sat on the bathroom counter and i waited for the timer to go off.

Once 5 minutes was over , the timer went off on my phone. I picked up the test and held it face down for a few minutes. I took a deep breath and i turned it over. I started to shake a lot as i turned it over.
Lr ~ i-I'm... pregnant?
I started to shake even more , my eyes were filling up with tears : was I really pregnant? I covered my eyes with my hands and I sobbed for a while. I heard Andrews footsteps becoming louder and louder.
Ad ~ babe , what's wrong? Please let me in.
he said as he knocked on the door.

I wiped my eyes and I unlocked the door.
Ad ~ baby don't cry.
he said as he hugged me tightly and kissed my forehead. I just broke down in his arms. I felt Andrew stroking my hair which made me calm down a lot more.
Lr ~ a-andrew im pregnant...
I Said with tears still running down my cheeks.
Ad ~ really baby?
Lr ~ yeah..
Andrew lifted my chin up and he began to kiss me.
Ad ~ lex we're gonna be parents!!
Lr ~ i knoww , im soo excited but what are the others going to think , i haven't even met your family yet.
I said as i covered my eyes with my hands in stress.
Ad ~ lex I'm sure that my family are going to love you , stop stressing about everything please.
Lr ~ okay , I'll try to calm down.
Ad ~ good girl , how about we watch movies until the others come back and then do you wanna tell Ben and Brent separately then tell the others after?
Lr ~ it sounds like a good plan.
Ad ~ yeah , ik I'm smart
Lr ~ you're really not but okay.
after I said that , he gently picked me up and put me on the bed. Andrew placed his head on my chest and he wrapped his arms around my waist. Then , I played with Andrews hair whilst I turned the tv on. I felt his hand slowly move onto my stomach
Ad ~ I already love this baby soo much.
Lr ~ same , I'm hoping that it's a girl
Ad ~ I hope it's a boy but I'll be happy with any gender.
Lr ~ yeah same
We continued to watch another 3 episodes of stranger things.

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