part 22 ~ double dates 🤍

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Lexi's pov!

I woke at at 6:32am this morning, due to my morning sickness. I was shivering so I decided to take a blanket downstairs with me.

I quickly walked down the stairs and went into the bathroom. I threw up a couple of times and sat on the bathroom floor for a while , staring into space.

I began to massage my stomach whilst tears streamed down my cheeks.

Were my pregnancy hormones kicking in?

"I love you so much." I said softly , looking down at my stomach and smiling.

My eyes began to close so I carefully got up off of the floor and wrapped the blanket around my body. I slowly walked back up the stairs and got back into bed.

I felt Andrews hands on my waist , gently pulling me towards him. He kissed my neck a few times until he let go and rested his head on my neck.

I played with valentine's fur as my eyes started to close. I felt her move up towards my chest and her face lean against mine. I kissed her nose and I drifted off soon after.

I woke up at 10:30am this time , andrew and valentine were nowhere to be seen. I slowly got out of bed and I put my slippers on. I walked downstairs and I saw Andrew , shirtless, holding a frying pan in his left arm and valentine in the other.

"good morning babe! " I tell him and wrap my arms around his waist and lay my head on his shoulder whilst looking at the french toast in the pan.

"good morning sleepyhead" he tells me and kisses my forehead whilst he rubs my back.

"hey valentine" I softly say as I take her from andrews arms and carry her over to the sofa.

"lex the french toast is ready if you want some." andrew tells me and gets some plates from the cupboard.

"okay , thank you." I reply back to him and put valentine on the floor so then she can wander around the house.

I walked over to the table and sat down. I rested my head on my hand , feeling light-headed and sleep deprived.

"Babe what's wrong?" Andrew asks me as he brings our breakfast over to the table. I felt his warm arms wrap around me and hug me , he made me feel safe.

"I feel a little light-headed but I'll be fine." I reassure him and cut some of my food.

Andrew sat down in the chair opposite to me , the room was filled with the tip-tapping of valentine's paws moving across the wooden floor.

It stopped after a while though as she was impatiently sitting next to andrews chair , begging for any sort of food.

After I'd eaten my food , I placed my plate on the kitchen counter and I gave valentine the crusts.

"Thank you for the food baby." I tell him and kiss his cheek.

"You're welcome lex" he tells me and puts his hand on my back.

After we had eaten our breakfast , andrew and I decided to pack our suitcases for Tuesday as we leave for Texas then. I looked through all of my clothes , picking out all of the outfits that I would need. We spent about 4 hours doing this until we had finally packed all of our clothes and essentials that we needed.

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