part 19 ~ stalker?? 🤍

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Lexi's pov!

My alarm went off at 12:10am , i'd only got around 1 hour of sleep as i felt like needed to throw up constantly. I turned around to face Andrew and i played with his hair , attempting to wake him up.
Lr ~ baby we need to get up.
I softly spoke to him.
Ad ~ lex im wayy too tired , 2 more hours pleasee
he said as he closed his eyes again.

I continued to play with his hair and i eventually got up and went into the bathroom. I started to throw up and once I'd finished I brushed my teeth. I quickly did my skincare and makeup then I went into our closet and got  changed into my grey sweatshirt , some black Nike pro shorts and my Dior shoes.

I glanced over at  Andrew and  noticed that he was still sleeping. I decided to let him sleep for another 30 minutes as I didn't want to disturb him. I ran into our bathroom , got the rest of my belongings and packed them in my suitcase. Andrew was still sleeping, it was 1:00am now and we had to be at the airport in 45 minutes.
Lr ~ baby , you need to wake up like right now.
I said as i walked over to the bed and caressed his cheek.
Ad ~ what time is it?
Lr ~ it's 1am you have 25 minutes to get ready.
Ad ~ okay I'll get up now.

He ran into the bathroom and locked the door. I realised that he had forgotten his clothes so I quickly went into the closet and grabbed them for him.
Lr ~ babe I have your clothes, you forgot them.
I say as I knock on the door.
Ad ~ thank you baby
he says as he opens the door and kisses me.
Lr ~ your welcome.

I walked away and started to check all of the cabinets for any things that we forgot to pack. I found some of our phone chargers and I put them in my handbag that I was taking on the plane with me. Andrew came out of the bathroom about 20 minutes later and he put the rest of his  things into his suitcase. We then closed our suitcases and locked them.

me and andrew then rolled our suitcases into the living room and we went on our phone until the others joined us. It was 1:30am now , we had to be at the airport at 2:15am. Once everyone had came into the living room , Brent opened the door and we all walked out.
Lr ~ im gonna miss it here
Ad ~ same , were leaving with an extra person now though.
he said as he placed his hand on my stomach and laughed.
Lr ~ true , im so nervous for my doctors appointment tomorrow
Ad ~ it'll be alright
he says as he pulls my head on his chest.

We went down to the lobby of the hotel and we all turned our keys in at reception.  Our Uber arrived 10 minutes later and we set off to the airport.

We arrived at the airport 45 minutes later.

Andrew got both of our suitcases out of the trunk of the car and we waited for the others by the side of the road. Once they had all collected their luggages , we dropped off our bags and went through customs and security.
Jh ~ finally , that took soo long.
Db ~ I know right , that took forever.
Bs (Bella) ~ our flight takes off at 6:25am , we have 2 hours to waste. What do you guys wanna do to waste time.
Br ~ possibly get some food for the plane and get some breakfast.

We walked around the airport for a while until we found a really pretty breakfast place. The walls were covered in fake vines , there were swings instead of chair , the whole place was filled with plants everywhere.
Lr ~ we should go in here , there's barely anyone inside.
Bs ~ yeah , its really pretty too.

We waited outside and we eventually get lead to our table. I sat opposite andrew and we held hands whilst we were looking through the menu. The waiter took our order for drinks and he brought out our drink minutes later. Once he handed us our drinks , we ordered our food.

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