part 20 ~ telling lexis parents 🤍

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Andrews pov!

once lexi and i had both finished watching our movie , i checked my phone and realised that we only had 15 minutes left of our flight. I glanced over at lexi and I saw that she was half asleep , she placed her head on my shoulder and i caressed her cheek.

About 15 minutes later , we landed and we all to unclip our seatbelts. Everyone on the plane began to exit through the doors , I stood behind lexi , making sure the stalker wasn't taking pictures of her. 

The cold air hit our faces as we stepped out of the plane. Me ,andrew and the rest of the group all walked into the airport and we waited at luggage control for our suitcases to arrive.We waited about 20 minutes for our suitcases to arrive.

Once we finally got them , we quickly ran outside of the airport and into our taxi. We were all going back to brents house to collect our cars and then drive to our own houses. The drive back home was about 40 minutes away.
Lexis pov!

Once we arrived back at brents house , I drove my car back to my parents house and i walked inside.
Lr ~ Mom , dad I'm home! I yelled from the bottom of the stairs. There was no answer, im guessing that they went out somewhere or were at work.

I carried my suitcase upstairs and walked into my bedroom. "Home sweet home" I said as I jumped onto my bed. I lay there for about 5 minutes before I got up and walked into my closet. I wanted to change my clothes before I go to my first doctors appointment today.

After a while of searching , I picked out a black long sleeved crop top and some grey sweatpants. I chose out a pair of my Ugg boots and a black handbag to go with them. Once I'd finished getting ready , I touched up my makeup and put my hair into a high ponytail with some hair left out at the front. We had to leave my house in 30 minutes as my appointment was at 5pm.

I decided to call andrew, making sure that he remembered about my doctors appointment for the baby today.
Andrew 💗
Lr ~ hey baby , did you remember about my doctors appointment today??
Ad ~ yeah , i remembered about it , can you come and pick me up as my car broke down about 10 minutes ago?
Lr ~ yeah , sure ill pick you up in 15 minutes?
Ad ~ sounds good , I'll see you then. I love you , bye.
Lr ~ love you too , bye.

When we ended the call , i decided to message my mom , checking where she was.
"hey mom , im back home now , what time are you going to be home as i want you to meet someone. "

" hello sweetheart, me and your father will be back home at about 6:30pm , we're out shopping for your cousin's birthday next weekend."

"Oh okay , ill be back home at about 6:15pm. I have to go now , love you , bye."

"Okay honey, i love you too , bye."
I grabbed my keys from the downstairs table and went outside into my car. I quickly drove to Andrews apartment and I arrived 10 minutes later.
"sorry im late , my mom messaged me and i lost track of time" i say as i hug him.
"babe it's okay " he says as he looks down into my eyes and kisses me.

We both walk outside and get into my car.
"babe , i told my parents that they could meet you today if that's okay with you. We could possibly tell them that im pregnant" i say as i make a right turn.

"yeah , yeah we can." He says without looking at me.

It was silent for a few minutes after that.

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