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My father had waited at the base of the stairs for me. Unsurprisingly, my brother stood next to him with an annoyed look decorating his face.

"You're late."

"I'm sorry, father. I was so worn from the journey, I fell asleep as soon as I rested my head. I didn't mean to delay you."

"Come now, it's fine, child." He couldn't stay angry with me for very long. He took my arm in his and patted my hand. "People will stare when we enter. Let them. Keep your head high, and that goes for you both. They're just curious."

I nodded, secretly a bit too nervous for it all, and we entered the dining hall. My father wasn't wrong. Nearly everyone had taken at least a glance when we walked in. My father cleared his throat to alert me to the fact that I was staring back at the onlookers.

"She'll never find an honorable husband on her own, father. Not with this behavior," Broden interjected from the other side of my father.

"Shut up. I will. I'm just...not sure who yet." My eyes scanned the room, locking in on oblivious Robb who sat laughing with his friends. Theon was sat there as well. He looked up and we exchanged gazes briefly.

"Enough, please, the pair of you. No squabbling tonight. It's your last night together for who knows how long. Please, just make it count." There was a palpable sadness in my father's voice. We both apologized to him and carried on towards our seats. First we greeted Lord and Lady Stark, where my father stopped and took his seat. I would have much preferred to have stayed close to him, but Broden guided me to our seats among the Stark children.

Sansa was in an all encompassing conversation with some girls that I didn't recognize, but I stopped to greet her nonetheless.

"Oh! Massey, hello," she let out. "What a lovely dress." The girl next to her agreed and introduced herself to me as Jeyne Poole. They both very obviously ogled my brother for a moment.

"Thank you. My mother made it. I'm afraid it doesn't quite fit these days."

With pitiful eyes, she looked down to my hand as I tugged at the dress where it covered my midsection.

"Well, I'll speak to you later." I blurted out, dismissing myself from their full table before they might rearrange themselves for me.

I met Arya and Brandon both on the way to my seat. Both children seemed too focused on other things to care much for my presence, but that was fine because the older boys parted to make room for me.

"Hello again, Theon. Robb." I smiled at them both. Robb didn't seem pleased that I had addressed Theon before him, but after observing that, my attention turned to the boy next to me. I shifted my body towards him and raised my eyebrows. "And..?"

"Jon, Lady Bryer." He held out his hand.

I couldn't believe I hadn't recognized him sooner. We had spent many days together as children when I visited.

"Jon! Gods, I didn't even recognize you." I cupped both sides of his face, inspecting him. "Why, you're a man now! And with such beautiful hair." I played with a strand of it before Broden put a sharp elbow into my side to remind me of my manners. I receded as coyly as possible and apologized to Jon.

Broden then spoke up. "Did you expect that we grew and everyone here just remained children?" I ignored his question. It didn't seem he expected a response anyhow.

"No, it's alright. It's lovely to see you, Massey. It's been much too long. You've grown into quite a woman yourself, though that doesn't surprise me." He cleared his throat and pushed his food around his plate, minding his own manners.

"A keen observation, Jon." Robb teased before sipping on his ale. "We're happy to have you here, Lady Massey. How have you found your chambers?" His voice was deeper than the others', smoother. He spoke with a sense of authority, like a proper Lord.

"Just fine, thank you. Your home is so beautiful. I can't tell you how grateful I am that your family has opened their doors to me." Someone reached over my shoulder and poured wine into my cup. I took a few gentle bites of my meal while Brody carried on with the others. From my seat, I admired the direwolf painted on the wall across from me. As a child, I remembered feeling envy that their sigil was something so unique. So strong. My family, only represented by a raven and a rose. Gentle Wings, Shaded Thorns. With age, I grew to appreciate our sigil and house words, but being seated across from the great direwolf once more, I felt that envy ring true once again. The boys talked and talked, so I waited for a break in conversation to interject. "What do you usually do after dinner around here?"

"Well, Theon retires to the brothel most nights. If he even makes it all the way through dinner before leaving," Jon told me while laughing. Theon glared at him, and I feel a light kick on my shin.

"Ow," I muttered as I glanced under the table. "Have you just kicked me?"

Theon's face went dull as he stammered through a response. "I, uh, I didn't mean to." The other boys roared with laughter, and I eventually joined in.

"It's fine, really. I'm sure I'll survive. But as for after dinner, maybe one of you could show me around? I remember what I've seen so far, but I'd like to become familiar with the grounds since I'll be staying here."

Robb opened his mouth to volunteer, but not quite quick enough.

"I'd be happy to," Jon said, unintentionally shutting his half brother down.

"Great." I polished off the last of my now second cup of wine and headed for the door with Jon. Before leaving the loud dining hall, I peered over to my father, who paid me no mind. Though, I did notice Lady Catelyn watching me with Jon. Or watching Jon with me. I couldn't tell which.

"The whole of Winterfell is quite large, but we'll see the essentials." Jon offered me his arm and I took it. We went from the main halls to Winter Town. We passed the crypts and the broken tower. The stables, the kitchens, the kennels, the Godswood. Just about everything on the grounds. We met Mikken, the blacksmith who didn't speak a word when I introduced myself. My feet were pleading for a break when we rounded the next corner that had hidden the boys' training grounds. There sat Theon on a stone wall, drinking and watching my brother and Robb spar with wooden swords like children. I lifted myself on to the wall beside him, and Jon followed suit.

I nudged Theon's shoulder with my own. "Who's winning?"

"Tough to say. Your brother certainly holds his own." Just as the words escaped Theon's mouth, my brother was knocked to the ground. Robb brought himself up from kneeling over Broden and smiled directly at me before extending a hand to help my brother to his feet.

"Why don't you two get in there?"

Jon laughed to himself. "Wouldn't be a fair fight. Greyjoys are far more well known for their skills in archery."

"And lovemaking," Theon added while looking straight ahead and sipping on the wine he must have swiped from dinner. He offered me some, and I took a gulp. It wasn't good wine, that's for certain, but it did its job.

"I'll do it, then."

"Massey, you will not. Father would have my head if you were hurt just before we left," my brother interjected without pause.

"I will," I insisted. "Robb?" Robb shrugged his shoulders, looking amused by the whole thing and remaining in the fighting circle. I stepped forward to grab a weapon off of the ground, and Brody softly grabbed me by the upper arm.

He looked down at me. Though I was technically older by at least a full minute, he was several inches taller with muscle mass to match. "You cannot do this."

"It wooden," I said, gesturing to the sword that still laid in the mud. "What could go so wrong? Relax, brother. There will be plenty of time for rigid rules in King's Landing. Live a little. And if you don't want to live a little, at least allow me." He relaxed his grip on me and huffed. One thing about Broden, he always knows when a battle is just not worth it. I picked up my wooden sword and mock bowed to Robb.

He broke into an even bigger smile. "I'll go easy on you."

"Please do. I haven't the slightest idea what I'm doing."

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