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Maester Luwin was content with what my answer meant, as was I. I think he also knew that Theon often found himself in precarious situations amongst the Starks. He knew that Theon was good at heart and often misjudged. He was perceptive.

I looked around his study, glancing over the years worth of things he'd accumulated since he had come to Winterfell. Books, tools, and a host of things that certainly held sentimental value. A Myrish eye, even, that I'd been too shy to ask to look through. I had told Theon I was sure Maester Luwin would marry us, and as I sat there with him, I was still sure of it. He was someone who cared about us both, someone who cared about tradition and valued family.

   "Your guidance in the last weeks have been invaluable to me."

   "Thank you, my lady. You have been a delight to have nearby, truly."

   "Thank you, Maester Luwin. That means a great deal coming from you," I replied with a thick cadence of gratitude. "I have the utmost respect for you. But, I fear I need to ask another favor of you. A rather large, rather discreet favor."

   "You need only ask. Would it have something to do with the first favor you asked of me?"

   "It would," I told him sheepishly. "Has that come—"

   "No, my lady, but I will bring it to your chambers personally once it arrives. Now, what is it you need? I'll help how I'm able."

"Have you ever wed anyone?" I asked, deciding to get right to my meaning.

"No," he answered with a gentle shrug. "I can't say as I have."

"Would you be able to? As an...elder of Winterfell. As someone that I trust?"

He looked at me curiously, contemplating everything I had asked thus far, stringing it all together. "You mean to marry Robb without Lord and Lady Stark in Winterfell? Without your family here, my lady?"

I shook my head slowly. "I mean to marry Theon," I told him with as much confidence as I could muster, my voice steady despite my nerves. Though, wise as always, he seemed to already know where I was heading with my line of questioning. "But, I believe you may have known that."

   "Ah," he breathed out, looking to the ceiling and narrowing his eyes before returning them to me. "I cannot say I haven't had my suspicions. But, Robb. Does he..?"

   "Yes, he knows," I cut in. "While I know it is not without me hurting him, we both understand that we will not become betrothed, let alone wed."

   "And what makes you so certain of it with Theon? Marriage is a sacred vow. One for life, not to be taken lightly."

   "Yes," I agreed with a weak smile. "I know. Truthfully, Maester Luwin, I had not come to Winterfell with bright eyes. As you know, my mother died. I pushed the prospect of marriage further and further away until I could no longer shield myself from it. Not even marriage, really," I added, realizing something as I spoke, "just...just the idea of my life going on after felt wrong.  Progressing without my mother. Just, wrong. I've never told you in any great detail what happened after. My father had eventually decided I'd had enough time to grieve, decided I'd be brought south and paraded around King's Landing like a prized animal, as so many ladies are. The thought...troubled me. He told me he wanted me to be happy, though, and my mother had said the same before she passed. Demanded it, really. Coming to Winterfell was my only other option, and I begged for it to come to fruition. My mother spent some time here in her youth. I'd hoped by coming here that I'd feel, I don't know...closer to her again."

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