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Since Lady Stark had left, Theon and Robb became increasingly busy, it seemed. I started spending more time with Maester Luwin, helping with Rickon's lessons and learning to tend to small injuries and make certain salves. He even taught me how to make the honey and herb concoction that served to keep Bran alive. It was quite nice to learn new things and get my mind off of everything else at hand. Aside from that, I was beginning to be able to call Luwin a friend, and that felt good. As we sat upstairs in his turret, he guided me through how to properly dress a wound. He taught me what to look for, how to keep an eye out for festering.

   "Have you always been here? In Winterfell, I mean."

   "It's beginning to feel that way, yes," he answered gently. "I've been here long enough to have delivered each of Lord and Lady Stark's children."

   "You're so close with them that you're practically family."

   "As close to a family of my own I'll ever get, I suppose," he said with a smile.

   We got to talking a bit more of his take on Lady Catelyn's suspicions of the Lannisters, which I still wasn't fully sure of. Though, I would not voice that to any of them. Just then, there was a knock on the already ajar door. It was Theon, come to fetch us with bright eyes and important news. The best news any of us had heard in months.

   "Bran has woken up."

Luwin wasted no time, saying a silent prayer and moving out of the room as fast as his body would allow. Theon moved aside to allow him passage, and I rose to my feet to join him in the hall.

"Is he alright?"

"Groggy," he answered. "Weak and confused. But, I do think he'll be alright."

"Maester Luwin says he won't walk again," I sighed. It felt now that we had overcome the possibility of Bran not waking up, it was proper to mourn for his loss of mobility. Theon returned my sigh and gave a weak, but reassuring smile.

"But, he is alive."

"Yes," I muttered. "And Robb? Is he—"

"With him, yes," he answered without me finishing my question. He looked as though he wanted to be irritated that my first thought was about Robb, but he contained it.

"Best not to overcrowd the boy, I suppose," I decided. "Would you like to accompany me to the Godswood?"

He raised his eyebrows and looked at me with a different intent than I had.

"To pray," I clarified.

His mischievous smile turned much softer. "If we must."

   We walked together, opting to hold each other's hand once we were deep enough into the woods not to be spotted. The woods were nearly silent, save for the rustling of a few birds in the trees. Once we reached the weirwood tree, I dropped to sit at the base of it and held my hand up to Theon, hoping he'd join me. He did, albeit reluctantly.

   "I understand that it's not ideal for you," I said gently. "Thank you for staying here with me."

   He brought my hand to his lips and kissed it tenderly once before letting it go. I closed my eyes and said my prayers, thinking of Bran and Lady Stark mostly. I reflected on my last conversation with my father, searching for any answer as to how to proceed with my feelings for Theon. I found thoughts of my mother as I felt the cool afternoon's wind on my face.

When I opened my eyes again, Theon was sat patiently waiting, seemingly reflecting on something himself. As I met his eyes, things felt a bit more clear.

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