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The calm of the woods was only disrupted by the murmurs of Theon and Maester Luwin as I approached the weirwood tree. It sounded as though Theon was running through what to say one last time. When I crossed the last trees that shaded me from their view, it took them a moment to even notice that I was there. Though the moonlight worked to break through the trees, Maester Luwin had lit two tall candlesticks to illuminate the area surrounding the base of the tree. I recognized them from his study.

Theon met my eyes, and I felt my stomach flutter. With a simple look, he put me completely at ease. I didn't move another inch until I saw him smile. As I drew myself nearer, I took in every bit of him as though it were the first time I'd seen him. Every line on his face as he smiled, how gentle his eyes were when he allowed them to be. They did well to communicate his kindness. They were the same eyes that found me crying the day my family left for the capital. The same ears that had listened as I spoke of my mother so fondly. The same heart that remembered a simple blackberry cake to remind me of home when I needed it most. He was wearing the shiny black doublet he had carried through the yard earlier, but it was now covered in many layers, the top of which was a black, fur lined cloak. He stood tall, confident. As handsome as the first time I saw him stood at my door.

"Hello," I said in a near whisper as I stopped before them.

He returned my greeting with a soft laugh, but we both fell quiet as we looked to Maester Luwin, who was waiting for us to begin. We'd gone through the structure of the ceremony briefly in private, so I kept silent to allow him to begin.

"Who comes before the Old Gods tonight?" Luwin started, looking at me.

"Massey, of House Bryer."

"And who comes to claim her?" He asked next, looking to Theon.

"Theon, of House Greyjoy. Heir to the Iron Islands."

   I closed my eyes again, my hand reaching out to touch the bark of the weirwood. Though I couldn't see him, Theon did the same, his hand meeting mine on the tree.

"We gather here in the peace of the woods to join these two souls in marriage. Let our offering of prayer serve to guide our couple on the night of their union. Let the blessings of both the Old Gods and the Drowned God guide them through a prosperous and happy life," Luwin continued as I opened my eyes to find that Theon had as well, but he never released my hand. "It is love that brings us before the Gods on this night, and love that will carry these two through life."

   Luwin paused, allowing me a moment to pull the vial that I had sent for from the top of my dress, where it had been uncomfortably stashed since I left my chambers. Theon's looked at it quizzically as I handed it to Luwin, but he realized what it was very quickly. I pulled our intertwined hands up as Luwin popped the cork out of the bottle.

   "Let this saltwater from the shores of Pyke serve as both a rebirth and a promise," he went on, handing the vial to Theon. "Let it bring the strength of the sea to this union."

   Theon took it, meeting my eyes again with silent gratitude. He brought the water up to his nose and inhaled deeply in an attempt to take in the scent of home before using the water for anything. It was apparent how much he longed for a true home, one he belonged to. One that belonged to him.

   He poured it first over our hands before hovering it over my head and pouring the slightest amount on me. I giggled softly as he did so, but did not protest. After all, he had agreed to marry me in the Godswood, forfeiting any tradition the Ironborn were accustomed to. He poured the rest on his own head, allowing the saltwater to trickle down his face with a look of pure contentment.

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