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I woke early enough to find that the sun was not entirely out. For a few minutes, I laid next to Theon as he slept. I tried to commit all of him to memory. I'd miss hearing his breathing in the night. I'd become so accustomed to it that I began to wonder if I'd be able to sleep without it. After enjoying the sound for a few more minutes, I woke him with a gentle kiss to his temple.

We spent the morning keeping close to one another. Rather, I spent my time following him around as he made the final preparations for the march south. Just after breakfast, I walked Rickon over to where Maester Luwin awaited him for his lessons and noticed that someone was making their way through the main gate. A small party, but easily recognizable as the gate began to open. Just three men. I saw my father's banners first. Then, Gareth sitting impossibly tall atop his horse. My chest tightened a bit as my eyes landed on his smug face. I got as close as I cared to be as their horses trotted through the muddy courtyard. My eyes scanned behind them, holding out hope that Broden may have come along. Of course, he hadn't.

   Gareth was not then, nor was he ever a welcome presence. Though, I thought he may bring some good news in the midst of all of this turmoil.

"Sister," he called out with a smile as he dismounted from his horse. He sauntered closer to me, and I found myself working to put more a little more distance between us.

"What are you doing here?" I asked, rolling my shoulders uncomfortably at the sight of him.

"I've come for you, obviously."

He was jovial. I suppose nothing had gotten in his way yet that day. Theon joined by my side, and after a moment, Robb arrived with Grey Wind.

"I thought you'd be happy to see me," he added, his arms held out as though to present himself as a great prize.

"You did?"

   It was hard to hide the doubt in my voice, though it might have been easier if I had given it any effort at all.

"After everything that's transpired? Yes." He paused to greet Robb, promptly ignoring Theon as though he were just an empty barrel or a blade of grass rather than a man. He shook Robb's hand before turning back to me. "Is there a place where we could speak?"

I looked to Theon, which did not go unnoticed by my brother. Theon recommended quietly that I take Gareth to the dining hall. It was long before dinner, but surely cleared out from breakfast by then.

"This way," I muttered with a tilt of my head.

I began walking, not looking back to see if he was following. I knew that he was. I did my best not to trail any mud into the hall, beating my boots on the first solid stone that led into the castle. I stepped inside the room, going no farther than halfway in and refraining from taking a seat. Gareth came to a halt just in front of me, towering over me the way that he always did, looking down on me in more ways than one.

"You haven't written me back," I implored after I got the sense he wasn't going to speak first.

"I thought, given the circumstances, that it was best for me to come to you in person."

His answer felt like pandering. No— it was pandering. I had written long before what happened to our father, and still received nothing back. I didn't care to argue my point, I just wanted to get to his.

"Have you heard from Broden?" I asked. He shook his head, seemingly offering up no concern for our brother's situation. "So what is it exactly that you're here for?"

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