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Though I begged it silently not to, the moon rose and brought with it the final hours before Theon was to depart. I clung to him through dinner, the two of us paying little attention to any of our surroundings or to the food before us. The comforting warmth of our thighs touching beneath the table as we sat as close as possible, the laughter we managed to find in the midst of everything. It was all to be gone in a few short hours.

Leaving dinner well before the others, we retired to our chambers in a hurry to enjoy the last privacy we'd know for the foreseeable future. It was no sooner than our bodies crossed the threshold and the door shut behind us that Theon started to work to remove my gown.

"It's so dark in here," I panted with a giggle in between kisses.

"That's alright," he replied, his breath heavy as he nearly ripped off his own clothes. "You know what I look like."

"No," I laughed. "I want to see you."

He let out a frustrated, but playful groan as he peeled himself from me and hastily lit a fire. As I stood bare, my arms covering my chest with a tight grip, I began to shiver. Theon took note of this and sprawled a spare fur on the floor before the fireplace. He laid down on it, now naked himself, and took my hands to gently guide me down to him. He continued the relentless trail of his hands over my body, which did nothing but strengthen my desire for him.

He hovered over me now, effectively pinning me down below him in the glow of the firelight. I continued to giggle as he traced my body all the way down until they landed between my legs. It didn't take long for me to warm up to his touch.

"So wet already," he whispered with a smile as he slipped a finger into me.

He felt my body jerk beneath him, my hips bucking against his touch, so he slipped in another as he brought his mouth back to my neck. He carried on as I threatened to come undone beneath him.

"Theon—" I called out softly.

His fingers slowed for only a moment as my voice hit him. "Say it again," he demanded in a hushed tone.

"Theon—" I repeated, his name mixed with moans and whimpers alike.

I think he meant to give me a rest as his fingers did well to unravel me, but there was little time between his fingers leaving me and his manhood entering me. We melded into one another on the floor in front of the fire as the two of us tried without success to prolong this moment.

Once we'd finished, he held out a hand and stood. As soon as I brought myself to my feet, he picked me up and carried me to the bed, where he placed me gently on the pillows before climbing in beside me.

"I'm not going to be able to sleep," I admitted as he curled up beside me, his hand reached out to rest on my forearm.

"Wake me, then," he muttered with heavy, nearly closed eyes. "An hour before we're due to leave."

I nodded even though I knew he couldn't see me. "Alright."

He did manage to sleep for about three hours before I decided it was time to wake him. Part of me thought it best to let him sleep more for the long journey ahead. I didn't know much about the plans of the party. I knew only that they were headed south. Robb was secretive for good reason, only allowing Theon to tell me when they were departing as a courtesy.
   I called out to him softly until he opened his eyes. He shook his head awake soon after so as to not waste any time that we had left, bringing his hands around my waist and snaking me closer to him on the mattress. We stayed that way for several minutes, just speaking frivolously.

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