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As it turns out, there is much to be done in preparation for a king's arrival. And as it turns out, I am not much help in any way for such tasks. I had been asked to tend to Rickon as his family all scrambled about Winterfell to see to everything that needed to be done. We spent the day studying his lessons, caring for the wolves, even helping to clean the dining hall. It was tedious work that kept us on our feet nearly all day. By dinner time, the poor child was ready to collapse into his meal. I helped him off to bed, and returned to the now more lavishly decorated hall to quickly eat my supper. As everyone was rather busy, I dined with Sansa and Jeyne. They were both thrilled at the king's imminent arrival, Sansa mentioning more than once that she hoped there'd be lemon cakes at the feast. We finished up, and I found my way back to my chambers, shutting the door behind me and halting immediately when I saw what was inside.

   Hanging on my wardrobe was the new dress Lady Catelyn had had made for me. It was a gorgeous gown, much nicer than the one I had torn that day in the woods. The dress of a woman, I thought as I laid my eyes on it. No, of a lady. It was grey with long flowing sleeves that ended in a light brown fur trim, in true Stark fashion. Thick enough that I wouldn't need to bother with a coat or a cloak unless I strayed far from the castle, with a rather form fitting bodice. It was the most beautiful thing I had ever owned, though I might not tell my previous dressmakers that, nor my mother if she were here to see me gawk at the exquisite fabric. I let it hang carefully there, intending to wear it for the king's feast and not a moment sooner.



    The next morning, almost everything seemed to be in order as I gazed out of my window down to the yard. I got dressed rather hurriedly, opting for my blue gown Sansa had repaired for me which I weaved Theon's iron chain into through my bodice, as usual. I brought myself outside to tend to the gardens a bit before the King's arrival, where I found the last few carts of food being hauled inside. Theon spotted me from behind one of them, where he stood looking a bit authoritative. He grabbed an apple from one of the carts and walked toward me with a confident smile on his face.

   "Morning," he said, holding out the apple for me to take.

   "Morning," I greeted back as I took it. We began walking together toward the glass gardens, the both of us instinctively taking the long way without discussing it. "Everything nearly ready?"

   "Just about. I've yet to ready myself, as I'm sure you can tell."

"I think you look just fine."

"Should be better than fine for the King, I suppose."

   "I'd say," I replied with a laugh. "Are you nervous?"

   "Nervous?" He chuckled lightly. "Not at all. He's just a man."

   "I suppose he is, but the most powerful man in Westeros." We came to a stop behind a wall near the gardens where I took a bite out of the sweet apple Theon had given me, which was a welcome treat since I had skipped breakfast. "They say my father is coming."

   "That doesn't make me nervous either," he said in a low tone, shifting his gaze back and forth between my eyes.

   "I did not say that it would," I refuted with a nervous scoff, dropping my eyes from his. "I only meant I'm excited to see him. Broden too, I hope."

    "I'm very happy that you'll be with them again. Truly. It could not be easy for your father to be so far from you for so long. At least, I would imagine it would be hard to be apart from you."

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