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My brother had ridden off with a few other men in search of the hunting party. They couldn't have been more than a few, maybe four hours out. They'd return more quickly than that once Lord Stark had gotten word of his son's fall.

   And return they did.

   I had only just begun to eat my dinner when I heard the commotion that was Lord Stark returning to be by Bran's side. My knees were sore from the hours I had spent kneeling in the Godswood as I hurried out of the dining hall, leaving my plate of food to grow cold in order to find the returning party. Once I did, I spotted Jon and Theon outside of Bran's room, where they had moved him once they figured out he hopefully wasn't beyond saving. Theon saw me first, and without a care as to who might see, reached out for my hand and held it as I stood at his side. Jon's eyes met mine after he pulled them from what he could see of Bran from the hall.

   "He's going to be fine," I stated weakly. Though, in truth, I had no idea. It was just what you said in times like this. Pure, blind hope.

   Jon only locked his jaw and looked to the floor.

   "Luwin said he might still wake up," Theon added, still holding my hand discreetly to his side.

   "He will," I agreed. "He has to."

It took some time to pry them from the doorway, but I insisted that at least Jon and Theon come to get some dinner. They all should have, truthfully, especially Lady Catelyn. She had not left Bran's side for even a moment. She was, as always, a shining example of a mother's love and devotion.

When we reached the hall, my plate had been cleared. I didn't bother the kitchen for another, instead opting to graze on the fruits and cheeses on the table. I wasn't exactly eager to eat either, but that wouldn't set a good example for Jon. He was gutted. I could see it in every breath he took. I tried my best to keep his mind off of it during his meal. Even Theon was entirely somber, but we both did what we could.

Once finished, Jon parted to return to Bran, leaving Theon and I sat staring at one another.

"Would you like to walk me back to my chambers?"

He nodded, and we walked slowly to the top of the stairs that led to my room. Once we reached my door, I opened it and turned to face him in the hall. Neither of us spoke for a moment, but I eventually did.

"I spoke with my brother."

"About me?"

I nodded.

"And?" He asked eagerly.

"Not thrilled," I muttered with a scrunched up face and a half smile. Theon didn't look amused. "He's only worried."

"About what, exactly?"

"Me," I answered simply. "My future. How my father will handle it."

"I am heir the Iron Islands," he stated proudly, if not pompously. "You will not want for anything. Your future is not a concern."

"I know, I know. There's also the worry of any...uncertainty between us."

"Uncertainty?" He echoed in confusion. I nodded once again. "There is no uncertainty between us. Is there?"

I opened my mouth to say something, but closed it once again. He squinted his eyes and cocked his head as if to ask what I was thinking. "It's just...what comes next?"

   "Next? Next, we're together."

   "Together properly?" I pried. I took a moment to go out on a limb, asking him directly about the topic we'd been avoiding. "You mean to take me as your wife? To marry me at some point?"

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