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Once Theon had gone, I couldn't manage to find sleep again. I waited inside of my chambers for a good while until everyone had cleared out of the courtyard and ridden off for the hunt, spending the first hours of my day contemplating the best way to approach my father once he returned. I watched them all trail out one after the other. The King, Lord Stark, my father, Rodrik, Robb, Theon, and Jon among a large group of men from King's Landing. I finally moved from my seat by the fire, dropping my nightgown and studying myself in the mirror. There were no marks from Theon on my body, but it somehow felt different to see myself now. I looked at the places his hands had grabbed, the places his mouth had kissed. I had a body that had been touched.

   Taken? Soiled? Ruined?

   No. Touched. Touched lovingly, at that.

   No matter the guilt that lay dormant in the back of my mind, I decided that I still had no regrets. After pulling on a gown and pinning up my hair, I went to fetch some breakfast. Though, with the nerves I felt from yesterday's events, I wasn't sure how big of an appetite I'd have. Seated at a partially occupied table, I found Sansa, who seemed to be glowing with excitement.

   "Good morning, Sansa," I greeted as I sat beside her. "You look quite nice this morning."

   "Thank you," she replied, her face still absolutely beaming. I wondered if her cheeks were starting to hurt from holding that smile. I took some fruits and bread onto my plate and picked at them as we spoke.

   "Any special occasion?"

   She looked around to the others in the hall, all of whom seemed to be stragglers of the King's men, then she scooted closer to me and spoke more quietly. "I'm to marry the Prince."

   "Oh, you've decided, have you?" I laughed. "Very ambitious."

   "No, my father has. Or, at least he will when the time comes. I haven't quite worked out all of the details, but we're riding south with the King in a few days time."

   "So soon?" I set my cup down and turned completely toward her, my furrowed brow giving away just how much this news had shocked me. "Who is we?"

   "Father, me...Arya," she added her sister's name with less enthusiasm, like she was an unwelcome second thought.

   "Your father? Why?"

   "He's to be Hand of the King." She must have seen the confusion on my face, because she went on explaining. "King Robert asked father when he first arrived. I thought you knew. Why did you think he came all this way?"

   "I...I don't know," I stuttered. "I hadn't given it much thought. And Winterfell? It'll fall to Robb?" She nodded, and I turned back to face forward again. Selfishly, I thought about myself in that moment. If Robb was to be acting Lord of Winterfell, what would that mean for his plans of marriage? Would they be expedited or put on hold? With what Theon had overheard from Lady Catelyn, I grew more worried that I'd have to face disappointing everyone sooner rather than later. An hour ago, it seemed I had more time to find my way out of this predicament gracefully. The news felt like a sudden, impending deadline. For all I knew, my father and Lord Stark could be cementing the plans for a betrothal right that moment as they chased down boar.

   I snapped out of it and turned my attention back to what Sansa had told me initially. "That's very exciting, Sansa. You're happy?"

   She nodded eagerly.

   "Then, I'm happy for you. I'll miss you, though. Things around here won't be the same without you."

   "Not to worry. I'm sure I'll return to visit once you become the lady of Winterfell," she giggled.

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