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We had been riding alongside the Wolfswood for the better part of an hour before we dipped into the tree line. From there, we rode to a clearing another few minutes in. Robb's horse in front, then Theon's, while Jon stayed steady next to me. He often glanced over to make sure I was still properly holding the reins, though he never voiced this in fear of offending me.

   "Here!" Robb announced as his horse came to a halt and he began to dismount with ease. His eyes gleamed with accomplishment. 

   It was about this time that I thought to myself how thankful I was to have changed into my thickest dress and my warmest coat. The clearing contained a wide set river that flowed downhill from a small waterfall a ways away. A small waterfall that I could barely make out through the thick tree line.

   Theon followed suit and leapt off of his horse with a slight frown. "We've come all of this way just to look at some water?" He complained with a bold sense of disappointment.

   "No. We've come all this way to..." Robb thought for a moment. "Well, yes I suppose we did come all of this way to look at some water. But that doesn't mean we can't enjoy ourselves." Something told me that if it weren't all for my presence, Robb would have answered Theon much more harshly.

   "It's beautiful," I reassured Robb with a coy nod.

   The boys each started unloading food and drinks from their saddles. Theon tied his horse to a tree a ways away and returned with three jugs of wine, but nothing solid to sustain himself. Jon and Robb had, of course, brought food enough for the four of us.

   "Here," Theon held out a jug as he approached me. "Name day gets first drink. It's Dornish. You'll like it."

   I hadn't trusted a wine jug in Theon's hands since the first night I arrived at Winterfell. Still, I accepted the jug and took a drink. It was indeed Dornish. It was sweet, a pleasant surprise that made me want a second sip.

   "See?" Theon whispered with a smug face.

   "Much better than the last wine I shared with you," I taunted.

   Robb and Jon took the horses to where they could be easily tied to wait for us. I looked up as a light snow began to fall. I pulled my hood closer to my neck and shivered.

   "This summer has lasted almost nine years now," Theon said, quiet enough that he could have just been talking to himself. "Winter is coming, as they so often like to remind us. How are you this afternoon?"

   "I'm well. It's nice to be outside of the castle, no matter the chill."

   "Are you? Actually well, I mean?" He cocked his head as he questioned me, but I just nodded. "Are you thinking of her?" His words left his mouth with a visible trail of air as they found my ears.

   "Yes, of course. And Broden, too." I bit down on my lip without realizing I had.

   "I'm sorry. I shouldn't have-"

   "No, please." I reached out, placing my gloved hand over his and squeezing once to calm his worries. "I like to talk about my family. You did nothing wrong."

   He looked down at our touching hands, so I pulled mine away. I swallowed hard, searching for something to say to distract from the fact that my hand had lingered on his unnecessarily.

   "Oh! I wanted to tell you. Lady Stark is going to let me tutor Arya starting tomorrow."

   "That's wonderful. You're going to do well. I know it," he said while giving me an encouraging look. Before I had a chance to respond, Jon and Robb approached once again.

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