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I watched from my seat next to Snow as Massey repeatedly had her sword knocked from her hands.

   "Anticipate my next move, and hold your shield up," Robb instructed. Though, he just hit her sword out of her hand once more. It was a mystery to me as to why he wouldn't just allow her the win. Her brother stood a few feet away from her, shouting what to do as well.

   "Don't you think that if I could do those things, I would?" She never got frustrated that she wasn't good at fighting, she just laughed and tried again. She didn't even seem to mind when Robb had accidentally knocked her to the ground. There was mud in the tips of her hair, and the bottom of her dress was now soaked.

   "She's nice, isn't she?" Jon questioned.

   "Yes, lovely. She seems a good woman."

   "Pretty, too," he added.

   "Aye. She called me Lord Greyjoy earlier, if you'd believe it."

   "I don't," he laughed. I didn't join him. "Don't even think about it, Greyjoy."

   "Think about what?"


   I whipped my head around to Jon, breaking the gaze I had fixed on Massey. Rather, on the practice yard.

   "I'm not. I wouldn't." I know the defensive tone that left my mouth was anything but convincing.

   Jon curled the corners of his mouth into a disbelieving smile and reached out toward me for the wine.

   "Good. She's too good for you." As if he needed to tell me that. "Besides, she's to be married off to Robb. Best that none of us get our feelings hurt by getting in the way of that." He was bitter about it, and so was I. She was beautiful and fun. I didn't know her well yet, but from what I had experienced and heard, she seemed kind and resilient. Plus, she didn't throw herself at Robb like every other girl within the walls of Winterfell.

   "Married to Robb? How do you know that?"

   "I don't. But, what else would she be doing here with us? She's going to have to marry soon, and I suspect Robb is the obvious match," Jon answered.

   "Obvious," I scoffed to myself.

   With the thuds of the two wooden swords smacking together for a few seconds, I turned my attention back to the duel. Massey's sword dropped quickly yet again.

   "There!" She shouted, exasperated. "That's the longest I've lasted in a sword fight. Not a proper one, of course, but I am proud." This time when her weapon dropped, it stayed where it landed. She was winded and visibly growing more tired as the adrenaline left her exhausted arms and then her body entirely.

   "I think it might be time to turn in."

   "I believe you're right, Jon. If you all will excuse me."

   "I can escort you, my lady," Robb offered.

   "That's alright, you boys just carry on with your fun. Besides, I'm all the way up near the library. It's quite the walk." She pulled her dress up as if not to dirty it, though it was a fruitless effort now. Seemingly, she realized that herself, and she dropped the ends of her dress into the mud again. Briskly, she walked to me and took my wine jug from my hands, taking a long swig and returning it to my lap with a sour face. "Well, goodnight."

   "It's a shame that she's already set her mind on Robb," Jon muttered as we both turned our bodies and watched her walk away.

   "Yes. A shame."

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