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A few days later, after breakfast, I asked Robb if I could spend more time with his new pup. I followed him outside to the kennels, Jon and Theon staying behind in the dining hall. Robb was happy to show him off. I was happy to be free of Theon's accusatory glances every time he saw me alongside Robb.

   "Have you decided on a name?"

   "Grey Wind, I think. He's faster than the others." Robb scratched the wolf's chin. "Do you like it?"

   "Yes." I paused and smiled at his proud tone. "I've heard Rickon is calling his Shaggydog. Anything might be better than that. I swear, he looks bigger than he did yesterday," I added, looking down to Grey Wind.

   "I thought the same," he replied quickly, as though I had settled some worry in his mind. "I thought I was going mad."

   "Ah, not yet, you're not."

   As Robb knelt and kept eye contact with me, the sound of Grey Wind's hefty paws trotting out of the kennel doors put an end to our conversation. We noticed at about the same time and rose to chase after him. The pup hadn't gotten too far, even under the guise of the early morning mist.

   "Grey Wind, to me."

   At Robb's command, he came trotting back, tongue hanging out and flapping in the wind. Grey Wind sat at Robb's feet, not wavering at all.

"You've taught him that already?"

"He's smart," Robb answered with a proud smile.

I dismissed myself for Arya's lesson after a few more head scratches for Grey Wind. Spending time with Robb was nice, but I found it often led to awkward silences. Almost as though he always expected a little bit more from me. Despite the looming threat of marriage hanging over my head, it was difficult to find comfortability with him. I had found that in Winterfell already, and lost it just as quickly. Though, I'm not sure how well that excuse would work on my father. I had just reached the entrance to the castle when I heard a voice shouting behind me.

   "Massey! Wait!"

   I turned around to see Sansa hurrying toward me with something in her palm. She even ran across muddy terrain with grace.

   "I've been looking for you. I know it's late, but this is for you. For your name day."

   She held out her arm and handed me a bundle of fabric that I recognized. The light blue gave way to the fact that it was the dress my mother had made for me.

   "My gown?"

   "Well, unravel it."

   I did as she said. When I held up the dress, it was longer now and let out some. She had adjusted it, I realized, so that I could wear it again more comfortably. Instead of keeping it for herself. Instead of using the fabric for another project.

   "You did this for me?"

   "Yes," she answered, nodding eagerly. "I did my best to match the fabric, but I know it's not exact. I just- I know how much you love this dress."

   "It's perfect, Sansa. Truly. Thank you." I reached out and hugged her.

   "There's more. On the back of the sleeves. Look-" she flipped them over.

   On the ends of the long flowing sleeves was now some embroidery. Beautifully done embroidery of the three flowers my brother had sent for my name day. Two white and one blue.

   "Sansa," I breathed out, utterly lost for words. "This is beautiful. You are so talented. I am forever grateful for your friendship."

   She beamed with pride and we walked into the castle together. We parted ways so that I could reach Arya's chambers for her lesson. I knocked and waited, but there was no answer. I knocked again, nothing. Slowly, I opened the door and called her name. She wasn't there. I sat for awhile, waiting by the fire, then returned to the main halls and came up empty handed there as well. I carried myself outside to where I had seen Jon sitting with Jory.

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