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An hour went by, during which time, I met two more of the vampire clan I'd been thrust in the middle of by my so-called beloved deity.

Sam, who immediately apologised for my situation and offered to drive me home once the humans had left, and a big guy by the name of Kevin. Who I did not like. He was a bigger, more annoying Jake, and I'd already had enough of his constant quips. He didn't seem to know how to shut the fuck up.

Cassie had stuck with me, standing to my left against the counter chatting with Tara across the island. With Jake's focus on teasing Kevin and bickering with him like a child, she seemed to be a lot more manageable, talking about normal stuff like their lives and relationships. I was hardly listening, just waiting for my moment to escape. I didn't know if I was going to accept Sam's offer, but if it got me home, I wasn't going to complain.

As I sipped from a can Cassie passed me the moment Kevin had entered the kitchen muttering something about needing it, an overwhelming presence washed over me. I didn't have to look to the side to see who had entered the kitchen, though I was momentarily drawn to the fact that everyone was coming into the kitchen.

I understood what Cassie meant about needing a drink, so I raised my can to my lips just as the fridge abruptly opened right next to me. It slammed into my elbow, causing liquid to spill down my chest where the top did little to hide my cleavage. I growled angrily under my breath, glaring at the ring-clad hand holding the door. When it slammed shut, I wasn't surprised to see the guy I was supposed to be destined for. He glared right back at me for a moment.

"Here," said a female voice, as a woman with bright blue hair held a paper towel out for me. I took it from her to wipe down my chest, placing my can on the counter behind me. "We should probably introduce ourselves, huh?"

"I wouldn't bother," I snapped. "I'm not staying here any longer than I have to."

She laughed. "Sure. I'm Katrina, that's Corey and Devyn" - a fairly large guy and a girl who looked like she could be snapped like a twig - "Reggie" - probably the skinniest man I'd send in my life - "and Mike." Mike was tall and appeared skinny, but a quick assessment of his arm as he casually sipped his drink displayed that he had some muscle on him.

Jake's annoying, drawn out voice called out, "You missed someone."

"If he wants to introduce himself," Katrina snapped back, "then he can. I'm not doing it for him."

"Kinda rude," Kevin muttered, to which she sent a glare at him I didn't think she was capable of. Katrina appeared to be quite a bubbly woman, based on the way she spoke and how she smiled with every word out of her mouth. But that glare... it could have rivalled my own.

Mike raised a brow. "If I'm not mistaken, we're yet to learn your name, Wolfie."

"Even I don't know it," Cassie admitted, but I just looked between them all with my arms crossed. For whatever reason, my 'One' was stood leaning against the fridge beside me and it was putting me in a worse mood than I already was. I wanted to kick him or do anything to get him to go away. Perhaps I could deal with these other vampires, but I didn't want him here.

Katrina patted my shoulder. "It's only fair, but take your time. I'm sure we'll have plenty of it."

"Fuck off, Katrina," I snarled, and quickly realised the power of names. I turned my head to the side, having to annoyingly look up to see his stupidly attractive face I refused to examine yet. "Actually, what is your name, so I can tell you to fuck off, too?"

He looked at me briefly with a pair of blue eyes in a shade I'd never seen before. Sam's eyes were nice, they were pale and relaxing to look at, but this man's were something else. So bright, so demanding, so detailed. If I dared to get any closer, I didn't doubt how many other shades wound together to make the overall colour. I wondered what he thought about mine. Naturally, they were brown, but the slightest bit of anger and the colour would slowly lighten into almost an orange shade that unsettled most people. It was more like a bright hazel.

Claws // Colby BrockWhere stories live. Discover now