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Kian's phone started to ring and he looked up for permission to answer it. Colby barely nodded back at him as he rose from the couch, turning his head to Mike.

"Tom is in trouble. As much as I don't like it..."

"Yeah, I'll be right there," Kian replied into his mic.

"Get Kian to his pack if possible. If they're the ones attacking Tom, it might be difficult to disguise that he's been with us, but we need an inside man and fortunately, one has crawled straight over to us."

Mike nodded. "Got it. I'll be as quick as I can."

Kian hung up the phone and stood up, hesitantly looking around for the next course of action. He knew we weren't going to leave him here alone and he had just enough faith to believe after all he'd told us, that we weren't going to leave him out to dry. Slowly realising Mike would be the one to take him, his face twisted into a nervous expression.

"Kian," I said simply, drawing his eyes to me. "Thank you for being the only person in that pack with a brain. I appreciate that you've put yourself in danger to help us, but don't think we trust you completely. Anything you said could have been a lie."

His gaze was soft when I stopped talking. A little smile on his lips was all it took to convince me that he was actually telling the truth, because I knew Kian better than I knew anyone else in the pack. Him and Anna had been my rocks for a long time before I left; my childhood friends whom I knew I was able to trust completely back then. Nothing had truly changed since, our problems had just become slightly more complicated.

But Colby wouldn't trust him for some time so I couldn't admit all of this out loud. I hoped Kian received the message through the tight smile I gave back to him.

While he and Mike headed off, Colby ran upstairs to put on a few more clothes and the others grabbed anything they might need. We didn't know who was attacking Tom, only that it was most likely one of Aiden's minions. The man himself wouldn't do his own dirty work, that was beneath him. Too much effort.

With a couple of stakes stuffed into my clothing, a feeling of dread and a nod, Colby took the lead in taking all of us to Tom's clanhouse. By the time I was able to tell any of what was going on, I could already hear the battle ensuing between two vampire clans. A part of me was relieved that the werewolves weren't involved this time, but I knew all the same that Kian hadn't been called back coincidentally. They were off doing something else, probably hurting someone else.

I launched myself onto the first vampire I didn't recognise, who was pinning down a small, almost child-like member of Tom's clan. It didn't take much of my strength to break the vamp's neck before I carefully pulled the little one from the floor. She gave me a bright smile, then tackled a vampire who was in the midst of throwing some kind of vile toward Tom's house.

"Are we killing them or knocking them out?" I asked, glancing at the vamp I'd taken down. Colby zipped over to me holding a bloody stake, and that answered the question without words. Regretfully, I staked the vamp who was probably only following orders for his own survival.

My eyes scanned the driveway for anyone in dire need. I wanted to be more tactical this time, and it turned out to pay off as I spotted Ellis struggling against a particularly large, heavy-set vampire. Colby caught onto my line of sight instantly and gave me a warning look not to go for it, but I started running anyway. With perfect timing, an enemy vampire attacked him and distracted him just long enough that I was able to leap off of a car's hood onto the large beastly man's back. I slashed his throat with my claws, causing him to splutter and back up. Dropping down to the ground, I dodged a wild swing backward and easily shoved a stake into his chest.

Claws // Colby BrockWhere stories live. Discover now