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so, I've missed a few updates and obviously I am aware of that. I've been massively sick for the last week running on pre-written chapters, so when they ran out, I just didn't have the mental power to write any more.

I'm still sick but slightly less, so I've got a few ready and daily updates are hopefully back. sorry for leaving without any explanation

for those who care, I'll explain what's been going on with me after the chapter :)



It was finally time to get into another fight. We knew more of what to expect this time so we weren't going in as blind as before, but we also unfortunately weren't attacking Aiden himself.

"Why not?" I complained as I pouted, eager for a fight. Some random ally of Aiden's wouldn't be a good fight at all. They weren't strong enough.

"We're not ready for that," Mike repeated for the thousandth time.

I sighed heavily — dramatic and throwing a tantrum over it. He looked at me for only a second longer before turning to everyone else. He was fed up with me already, which I didn't blame him for. Something was making me particularly irate lately, always trying to look for opportunities to fight anyone I could.

A pair of arms wrapped around me from behind, connecting with my bare skin where my shirt didn't quite reach my waistband. I leaned back into the body behind me as Colby's lips pressed to the top of my head. I was just delusional enough to assume he was doing it to comfort me in some way, and I knew to some extent, he agreed with me that the sooner we just obliterated Aiden, the better.

Exhaling slowly, I placed my hand on Colby's forearm and turned my head to the side so I was leaning it against his chest, looking up at him. He returned my gaze, his eyes pure blue as they pierced mine. I almost wanted to smile and I didn't even know why. Standing like this with him was different.

"-Colby when we go."

Completely distracted by Colby, I hadn't heard a word anyone else had said until I heard my mate's name from Mike. I blinked away my trance as I turned back toward the group, pulling away from Colby's embrace. He kept a hand on my hip like he couldn't bear not to touch me, and just nodded. I assumed that meant we were heading out.

I allowed myself to be swept up off the floor.

Like the clan, Aiden's allies — the few he actually had and seemed to care about — were located all over the place. There were no direct territories besides feeding spots and a lair, so you could be in one clan's building then cross the road and suddenly be in another's. But this particular street had his name all over it. He had his name on most of the businesses, and influence in those remaining.

A fellow clan under his allegiance spent a lot of time here, meaning we could cut them off on their way home. Of course, they wouldn't be drunk because stupid vampires couldn't get drunk, however, getting attacked would still be the last thing any of them expected.

Tonight, I was a vital part of the plan. I had to get as many people outside as possible, which meant committing arson. I was perfectly fine with that.

"Why don't we just make a molotov?" Jake asked as he examined our first target, the biggest of all the buildings and probably the fanciest. It was some restaurant I'd never heard of before that was, of course, open all night.

I glared at him. "There are humans inside, we could hit one. Just give me a few minutes, I'll handle it."

"Go wild, Amy," Cassie mused. I nodded and left the group hovering outside in the dark, slipping through the front door of the restaurant. Most if not all of the vampires inside would have no idea who I was, which made things a lot easier for the clan. They might have recognised any of them but not me.

Claws // Colby BrockWhere stories live. Discover now