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the closest picture I could find for how they're sleeping



I'd forgotten by the time evening rolled around what had happened last night. That was why, when I woke up and felt something mildly cold beneath my head slowly rising, and a gentle breeze tickling the top of my head, I momentarily freaked out. I snapped upright looking down at Colby as he scrunched his face up in annoyance, before he opened his eyes, too.

It all came back to me. The agony I'd felt and the trance it had put me in, then waking up after he'd presumably kissed me to ease the pain, and ending up having to come upstairs to sleep in his bed with him. I despised all of it, and based on the glare on his face the moment he saw me, too, so did he.

In a mutual agreement not to mention it, I just slid out of his bed and headed straight for the door. With my wolfish hearing, I could hear that everyone else was awake, which I'd gotten used to. It was kind of nice not to wake up and find a dozen pairs of eyes on me ready to call me sleeping beauty or make fun of whatever expression I had before I woke up.

I showered and looked for the clothes Katrina usually left out for me to change into either from Devyn or Tara's closet, when I saw something strange.

"Katrina!" I yelled, and in a second she was poking her head around the door. Clutching the towel at my chest, I pointed down at the large suitcase lying on the floor by the door. She smiled. "What's that?"

"Don't you recognise it?" she teased, crossing her arms over her chest. "It's yours. That landlord — Lyle, was it? He dropped it off earlier today. Said it's everything he could save from your wardrobe."

"You're shitting me," I breathed excitedly as I crashed onto my knees beside it. I unzipped it, throwing open the lid so I could see inside; the myriad of black, chains and plaid stuff. If I was anyone else, I would have squealed.

"I'll leave you to it," Katrina laughed as she shut the door.

I grabbed a pair of black shorts and a top that had straps in the shape of a pentagram, and slid on a pair of ripped tights and a flannel top that I tied at the waist on top. I couldn't quite accurately express how glad I was to have my own clothes back without screaming.

I went downstairs in a better mood than I'd been in since getting here, and began making myself breakfast. Normally I'd only eat once since only being awake during the night meant I was awake a lot less, but I was celebrating.

Colby had gotten used to sitting on one end of his loveseat, fed up of the arguments we had the first three times, so I easily slid onto the other cushion and crossed my legs to put my plate in my lap. Looking down at my phone, I ate, minding my own business.

Then, of course, someone had to bring it up.

"So, how was your sleep?" Kevin was leaning his chin on his hand, his elbow digging into his knee as he stared at me with an annoying smile on his face. I pretended to ignore him at first, but when he said my name, I regretted ever telling them.

"Awful," I replied sharply.

"Oh? Why's that?" he teased.

"I had a terrible nightmare that a vampire was under me." Jake snickered across the room as I sassily took a bite of my food.

Colby rolled his eyes and raised his feet onto the coffee table. "Have fun suffering later."

"Have fun with the rabies," I shot back, raising a brow at him. He was glaring, as was getting quite old by now, and I chose to send a sickly sweet smile back. "I have an excellent memory."

Claws // Colby BrockWhere stories live. Discover now