💫 19 💫

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Obviously, I struggled to sleep, but I didn't care. There was no way I was going to give in and head to Colby's room. It didn't matter even what the Goddess had told me. What he'd done wasn't right.

When I woke up after probably barely two hours sleeping, I texted the one person I knew would want to hang out last minute without question, and showered before changing into a black dress with sheer puffy sleeves. It hardly reached mid-thigh, not to mention the crisscross strings holding together the top half, displaying my chest.

With a location and time set in place, I stormed downstairs in a pair of boots that thumped with every step, and walked right passed the living room in my outfit hoping every single one of them saw what I was wearing.

"Woah!" Tara yelled after me but I kept walking without even glancing in their direction.

"Amira!" Cassie called after me, zipping into the hallway. I stopped to look at her over my shoulder, ignoring the group in my peripheral vision. "Where... Where are you going?"

"Out," I answered simply.


"Anna." I finally let my eyes trail to the living room where the entire clan was looking at me in surprise — even Mike had shed his usual stoicism for an open-mouthed expression. I would have found it amusing if I was in a better mood. "Who knows? Maybe Kian will want to come out, too," I added. I was looking directly at Colby. Turning back toward the door, I opened it before calling, "I'll be back by morning and my phone will be on, but don't bother me."

"Amira, I really don't think this is a good idea," Cassie pleaded. "I get you're pissed but we just confronted Aiden yesterday. He's going to be looking for any chance to-"

"I can handle myself. See you later."

Before she could say any more, I slammed the door behind myself. At some point after moving into the house, we'd gone to my apartment building to collect my car, which I rarely used. Even though I had every intention of drinking tonight, I decided to climb into it and press my foot on the pedal.

Anna was already waiting outside the club when I arrived. I wasn't that stupid, I'd chosen to go to the one place that might be protected from Aiden if he happened to find out I wasn't with the others. The staff at the club would probably know who I was — at least that I had some relation to the clan — so they'd have their eyes on me all night. If anyone threatened me, they'd probably go running to their boss and all would be well. So what did I have to worry about besides that very boss being a complete dickhead?

"Hey," Anna chirped, her eyes bright as she met me at my car door.

"Hi, Anna."

She pulled me into a hug, which I accepted. I'd been intermittently messaging her since we saw each other last, so I'd already adjusted to her impossibly cheery demeanour. If I was being honest with myself, it did make me miss the simple days when we'd go for runs together and end up fucking about the entire time. We got told off by our alpha at the time constantly, but it never deterred us.

Those good memories were of course obscured by all the other shit a pack brought with it, though, so I had to make new ones. It was on the bottom of my list to reconcile with Anna, but after last night, I needed to be away from everyone who might make up stupid excuses for Colby. She didn't even know about it: perfect.

"So, we getting smashed tonight, or what?" she asked with a bright smile, leading me through the front doors. One of the bouncers looked at me for a long moment, obviously recognising me, but he didn't say anything.

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